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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

This is resource SW142K9, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:22/11 -2020 14:41:18

Ended:23/11 -2020 20:12:07

Checked:23/11 -2020 20:59:19

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 84.
Discovered flash files: 2

There are 5 links ending with .swf in this thread (3 more than the discovered amount of flash files).

File: 4chan4evar.swf-(2.12 MB, 550x400, Other)
[_] The flash archive uses an emulator! Anonymous 11/22/20(Sun)08:36:30 No.3446739

  Wow. When did it happen?

  Check it out:
  It's not perfect, but it works. That means they intend on keeping it around after flash support
  Thanks, hiromoot!

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/20(Sun)09:11:33 No.3446740

  Doesn't work for me.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/20(Sun)10:42:33 No.3446748

  I'll be damned... That's pretty cool.

  Still a long way to go for ruffle but it has some activity recently:
  The road map at haven't been updated for almost
  three months, wonder if ActionScript 1/2 is still at 35% done and AS3 at 0%. If they would just
  get the basic stuff like gotoAndPlay() and stop() working in AS3 it would do a lot. And playback
  of movies inside swf.

  Works on my machine. Firefox 83.0.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/20(Sun)10:43:32 No.3446749

  Holy shit, it works!

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/20(Sun)11:09:34 No.3446754

  Since they are making a custom player I hope Ruffle makes it easy to bypass site locked flashes.
  Since the web doesn't use swf files anymore there should be no moral issues in doing that.

  Could put a "Toggle Sitelock" option in the right-click menu that changes the outcome of if
  statements involving commonly used path/domain detection.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/20(Sun)12:07:14 No.3446762

  Ruffle needs "Play" in the right-click menu since some flashes have secret stuff before the main
  animation that you can only access by right-clicking and pressing play. Some also need it in the

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/20(Sun)13:58:58 No.3446773

  These appear to be broken ;(

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/20(Sun)14:18:10 No.3446776

  The fact this exist proves my theory that the reason /f/ is still around (when stuff like /rs/
  got scraped) is because someone on the 4chan mod team is a fan of flash

  It's cool how it manages to run even the more complex stuff like the Megaslots, but I wish there
  was some way to download the original swfs, though

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/20(Sun)14:23:29 No.3446778

  could you give me a rundown on that?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/20(Sun)14:37:41 No.3446781

  It was a link list that looked similar to /f/ and showed up next to it on
  mes (btw I just noticed frames is broken again. Not that anyone would/should care), only instead
  of direct uploading files to 4chan, you upload them to RapidShare (hence /rs/) or Mediafire or
  whatever, and the post that link somewhere on 4chan. Any such link posted ANYWHERE on 4chan would
  then show up on /rs/.

  The idea goes you could search through that to find specific porn/music you want to download. In
  practice it was unusable because rapidshare links expire in about a week and the signal-to-noise
  ratio was too low to find anything interesting simply through idle browsing.

  The concept is cool, though. I once used the "Contact" thing to suggest they'd add something
  similar for /t/ magnet links. I don't think anyone read it.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/20(Sun)14:41:27 No.3446784

  thanks, all these failed board concepts are really interesting to learn about

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/20(Sun)14:46:13 No.3446789

  >all these failed board concepts
  Like what?
  I'm not an oldfag (only been around since ~2012), but I'm aware of /rs/, /q/ and /z/
  Oh and the textboards, but they don't really count
  Was there anything else?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/20(Sun)14:47:45 No.3446791

  Another dead board that I have heard is /ss/, but I havents heard anything about it. Can u pls
  also give the rundown on that?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/20(Sun)14:47:53 No.3446792

  there was swaglord's elaborate /film/ joke, though that board lasted only 48 hours.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/20(Sun)14:50:41 No.3446793

  Also, there was that one time on 1st of April, when moot added a furry board, then, after 2 days,
  he deleted it, and b& everyone who posted in it. Ah... good ol' days

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/20(Sun)14:50:54 No.3446794

  Sounds like you've been pranked

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/20(Sun)14:52:05 No.3446795

  I miss /fitlit/, /mo/, /cock/, /mlpol/ and /mtv/.
  /fap/ and /outsoc/ were gay though, glad those are gone.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/20(Sun)14:54:40 No.3446796

  Why does /soc/ still exist? And more importantly, why do all threads on /b/ nowadays belong in
  there. Its the least effective containment board that I have ever seen

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/20(Sun)14:54:59 No.3446797

  i hope next years april fools isn't shit

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/20(Sun)14:57:08 No.3446798

  >Why does /soc/ still exist?

  Horny teenagers.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/20(Sun)14:58:09 No.3446799

  there is
  just go to the source page of the flash page, search for ".swf"
  there is a link to 4cdn/media or something
  it ends with embed.html follow eventually by the filename
  just shorten to url to media/filename.swf and there it is

  I hope the mods make it VERY easy to also serve original swf files.
  Ruffle hangs on me more often than not, while I will be able to use the flash plugin for more
  time to come.
  Would hate it if I can't use /f/ because my browser has flash but can't into ruffle.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/20(Sun)15:00:07 No.3446800

  It'll be tough for the mods to find a solution that will leave everyone happy.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/20(Sun)15:22:35 No.3446805

  Add Ruffle embed button, keep normal embed, maybe put up a sticky explaining what happened and
  change NOTHING else.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/20(Sun)15:31:38 No.3446806

  Yeah I mean 4plebs just has both available to the user as separate icons.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/20(Sun)15:36:48 No.3446807

  I don't even care that much for embed, if there is a way to just click to the swf directly,
  instead of having to dig through the source code (like there is now).

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/20(Sun)16:01:32 No.3446809

  /rs/ wasn't a failed board, it wasn't even a real board, just a list all the rapidshares (and
  other file sharing links) discovered around 4chan

  the real reason it was taken down was probably because it assisted in piracy. /t/ is still around
  but /rs/ was probably removed for legal risks since links stuck around forever in an easily
  searchable database.

  i used /rs/ all the time, it was great.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/20(Sun)16:02:45 No.3446810

  i thought this year's corona thing was great

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/20(Sun)16:03:53 No.3446811

  Without embed you can't see shit in its intended resolution.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/20(Sun)16:11:40 No.3446816

  that's another thing ruffle should add into its right-click menu: "Download swf file"

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/20(Sun)16:13:21 No.3446817

  it was, i remember waking up and instantly going on /a/ and seeing all the green posts and being
  confused as fuck for 30 minutes, then i checked the date. I'm just saying something on the level
  of 2018 or so would be great again.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/20(Sun)16:25:39 No.3446820

  Literally nothing needs to be changed.
  You can click the filename to get a direct link to the flash.
  You can click the Embed button to get the flash to play right on the page.

  Now you use your browser plugin. On Jan 1 2021 you'll be using the ruffle thing and the change
  will be seemless (except that Ruffle won't be able to play like half the flashes on /f/).

  The guy you are quoting is talking about the flash archive page. It definitely needs a direct
  link to the swf somewhere.
  Though right now you can just type the url manually like: (see >>3446773)

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/20(Sun)16:29:58 No.3446821

  wasn't there a lolicon board at one point?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/20(Sun)16:31:39 No.3446823

  /soc/ is bizarre. it's completely divorced from the rest of the site and the people there seem
  barely aware they're posting on 4chan.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/20(Sun)16:32:15 No.3446825

  wonder if there will be a downgrade in swf files produced to use actionscript2 since ruffle can't
  handle actionscript3

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/20(Sun)16:34:19 No.3446826

  >>>/l/, yes

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/20(Sun)16:35:05 No.3446827

  yes there was, in 2003 and 2004.
  4chan also had a dedicated guro board those years.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/20(Sun)16:36:46 No.3446828

  Sounds like it was a great time. Guess it got removed as 4chan became more popular due to

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/20(Sun)16:47:00 No.3446829

  it got removed because it was nothing but CP

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/20(Sun)16:51:34 No.3446830

  loli was due to "legal threats", moot registered and put /l/ and /sm/ (shota) there.
  the shota board was on 4chan just a little over a month.
  guro was removed the same month because 4chan's payment provider threatened to shut down
  donations. yowcow was an alternative to paypal.

  there's a good list of 4chan events during the moot era here if you want to read up on more
  a lot of what i'm saying is just from that list, i didn't frequent 4chan yet in 2004

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/20(Sun)17:00:35 No.3446831

  >(except that Ruffle won't be able to play like half the flashes on /f/).
  I wouldn't mind that at all but it isn't even a little bit seamless. Why force people to use
  ruffle that breaks 90% of flashes instead of just using it along with the normal plugin?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/20(Sun)17:10:03 No.3446835

  >Why force people to use ruffle that breaks 90% of flashes instead of just using it along with
  the normal plugin?
  Because there will be no normal plugin anymore as far as I know. Browser will remove it and won't
  allow flash to run at all after dec 31.

  The good thing about Ruffle is that it will kinda force people to post actual flash movies and
  not just re-encoded videos.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/20(Sun)17:30:07 No.3446836

  ruffle dev has said that he will eventually work on making video playable, don't worry.
  as long as you use a browser that still supports NPAPI you should be able to play flash online
  using an older plugin version (assuming that the thing about the latest flash plugin being
  bricked after 2020 is true)

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/20(Sun)17:34:06 No.3446837

  I don't think major browsers support NPAPI anymore.
  Also, not many people will bother installing 3+ year old browsers just to play ActionScript 3
  For those who do, they'll always be able to click the filename directly and open the swf in a new
  >File: 4chan4evar.swf-(2.12 MB, 550x400, Other)

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/20(Sun)17:39:22 No.3446838

  maybe not major browsers but that doesn't matter.
  also maybe not many people but possibly the majority of us that browse /f/.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/20(Sun)17:39:25 No.3446839

  broken as fuck

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/20(Sun)18:09:46 No.3446840

  Jesus, it's all dick rate, hookup and ERP threads. I always thought /soc/ was SFW.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/20(Sun)18:33:10 No.3446845

  4chan has suffered from overlapping boards for many, many years now. All the fun Anons hang out
  on /s4s/ now. All the edgy Anons on /pol/ because /b/ was no fun. All the porn dumpers on other
  boards because they wanted not 100% porn. Etc etc.

  /b/ used to be random but then 4chan made a billion specific boards that stole people away and
  for each person stolen others saw less randomness on /b/, making them also seek out their
  specific board.

  The biggest nail in the coffin was RETARDED CHINKMOOT lowering the file size limit to 2 MB on /b/
  for no god damn reason.
  Who wants to go hang out on /b/ when you can't post half your images or webms? Talk about a
  stupid move, I can't get over how absolutely blank you gotta be in the head to lower the file
  size limit on the most iconic board.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/20(Sun)18:37:16 No.3446846

  /ss/ and /tl/ were for Straight/Shota and Loli Torrents.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/20(Sun)18:37:50 No.3446847

  please consider 4chan pass.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/20(Sun)18:40:38 No.3446848


>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/20(Sun)18:42:19 No.3446849

  i will not pay the extortion money

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/20(Sun)18:49:03 No.3446850

  >you guys need to learn to ignore/deal with threads that don't suit your particular tastes, or
  find somewhere else to go, because i'm not going to add a million niche boards.
  based moot. meanwhile chinkmoot ruins /b/ and adds a million niche boards (/vrpg/ for example)

  >i got sick of pandering to pedophiles. fuck loli, and fuck anyone who wants it.
  on second thought...
  sounds like he's backpedaling on that though. especially if that thing about him registering for /l/ and /sm/ was actually true.
  he probably just said that in 2010 because 9 years later he had a girlfriend or a mother that now
  knew about 4chan compared to the days when he actually implemented /l/

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/20(Sun)18:55:57 No.3446851

  not4chan was hosted and run by an ADTRW user called Saber.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/20(Sun)19:00:56 No.3446852

  4chan in 2020 is much bigger than during that time and even then boards like /v/ were already too
  fast for comfort. And /vrpg/ isn't niche.
  Feels you spend all your time on a dead board like /f/ and think you can comment on what actually
  happens on 4chan.

  People love to bitch just for the sake of bitching.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/20(Sun)19:08:11 No.3446853

  >Anime Death Tentacle Rape Whorehouse. Anime forum of Something Awful. Has a separate fansubbing
  site and group, Trolls at the forum are quickly banned so I hear.
  >Pedophiles are an unfortunate sideaffect of ADTRW.
  >by Dax May 06, 2004

  the fuck? can't see it on so i guess it's gone.
  at least 2004 matches with when /l/ went away from 4chan so sounds plausible. how do you know of
  this "Saber"?

  /vrpg/ is super niche when you can also make RPG threads on /v/, /vg/, /vmg/, /vr/.
  bitching about things moving too fast for comfort doesn't even make sense and is better solved by
  expanding the allowed pages on that board and prioritizing 404ing those with less than 5 posters.
  you can also implement tags for threads, imagine visiting /v/ and showing only threads tagged
  with RPG or Multiplayer. beats visiting 99 different overlapping boards because one of them
  *might* have a thread about the game you want to talk about.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/20(Sun)19:39:55 No.3446855

  No anon ever posts in the same 4chan twice, for it's not the same 4chan and he's not the same

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/20(Sun)19:58:39 No.3446858

  very true

  I find it funny people say shit like "4chan in YEAR is/was is XYZ" when... that's just not how
  websites work

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/20(Sun)20:41:02 No.3446860

  >Ruffle won't be able to play like half the flashes on /f/
  >the change will be seemless (sic)
  Pick one

>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/20(Sun)21:16:26 No.3446863

  anyone that browsed /b/ 10 years ago can objectively state it's better than /b/ today, if not
  from the typical content posted then by the file size limit alone.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/20(Mon)03:24:10 No.3446884

  /b/ 15 years ago was even better than that.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/20(Mon)05:06:00 No.3446888

  lmao bunch of old farts in this thread, your good old days will never come back

>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/20(Mon)05:27:12 No.3446889

  go back to /qa/

>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/20(Mon)05:39:48 No.3446891

  The site itself I mean.

  There's nothing one can do about flash being shreked.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/20(Mon)05:43:05 No.3446892

  The file size has nothing to do with this. If anything it helps a bit against porn dumps.

  >b-b-but all the images I post are above 2MB, 4chan is deeeaaaad
  >muh good old days
  Back in the day 2MB was a luxury and yet the Internet was much better than today.

  Literally complaining for the sake of complaining.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/20(Mon)05:47:48 No.3446893

  I browsed /b/ 9 years ago and I can objectively state it was as shit then as it is now.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/20(Mon)07:44:04 No.3446896


>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/20(Mon)07:48:43 No.3446898

  It seems like the mods gave this thread prune protection, instead of making an announcement
  sticky or something like that. I guess it's just as effective and mods gonna be lazy.
  Unless of course OP is a mod.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/20(Mon)08:06:02 No.3446900

  ehm wat. it's in position 9 right now.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/20(Mon)08:13:15 No.3446901

  This. Sheeple just jumping on whatever trend without actually believing it, and coming up with
  shitty facts. You chose to say some dumb shit like
  >But muh file sizes
  instead of giving actual reasons why this sites suck now. Like the fact that raids were b&. Raids
  were basically the immune system of 4chan. If some fags raided us, we could just raid them back
  and shit. The fearmongering also helped, it made newfags actually lurk b4 posting shit. But
  nowadays, since that shit doesnt exist, 4chan is full of normalfags. I bet that the people
  complaining about file sizes didn't even knew about 4chan b4 raids were b&

>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/20(Mon)08:15:27 No.3446902

  >9 years ago
  Fucking newfag! You need lurk moar!

>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/20(Mon)08:39:39 No.3446905

  Anon why must you make me feel so ancient?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/20(Mon)08:51:31 No.3446906

  do you even know how this board works or 4chan in general?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/20(Mon)09:02:12 No.3446907

  >In practice it was unusable because rapidshare links expire in about a week and the
  signal-to-noise ratio was too low to find anything interesting simply through idle browsing.
  It was pretty great for finding weird music from /mu/

>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/20(Mon)09:09:16 No.3446908

  I thought this thread was a lot older than it is, apparently.
  >it's in position 9 right now.
  Do you have a browser extension that lets you sort /f/ by submission date? Is it a feature of
  4chan X? I never installed that.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/20(Mon)09:11:41 No.3446909


>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/20(Mon)09:17:21 No.3446910

  how the ever living hell can you two faggots defend 2 MB on /b/ when 4 MB is the gold standard on
  4chan and boards like Hardcore or Sexy Beautiful Women gets 8 MB.
  get each others dicks out of your mouths and go neck yourselves.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/20(Mon)09:45:22 No.3446913

  there was a similar thread a couple days ago
  yeah I use 4chan X (inb4 botnet). it shows you at the top of the page where the thread is in the

>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/20(Mon)10:41:22 No.3446918

  The textboards mattered. I miss them so.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/20(Mon)10:47:43 No.3446919

  who knows if they're going to keep it just for those few flashes and will /f/ itself also get

>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/20(Mon)11:34:21 No.3446923

  Why wouldn't /f/ be supported?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/20(Mon)11:36:19 No.3446924

  2MB on [s4s] and the lower-quality mobile images are much worse problems

>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/20(Mon)11:58:36 No.3446928

  Fucking lmao. The amount of inane newfag crap you read here is insane.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/20(Mon)13:26:53 No.3446938

  All I'm saying is that 2MB on /b/ is more or less a non-issue.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/23/20(Mon)14:11:26 No.3446939

  Wow, I'm surprised this works
  When's all the pr0n getting uploaded there?
Created: 22/11 -2020 14:41:18 Last modified: 23/11 -2020 20:59:20 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:54:24