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This is resource TZKGIV3, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:18/12 -2020 00:12:53

Ended:18/12 -2020 11:40:42

Checked:18/12 -2020 16:28:32

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 9.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: I said never give up.swf-(9.96 MB, 320x240, Japanese)
[_] req inside pls help Anonymous 12/17/20(Thu)17:53:29 No.3450051

  my buddy has been searching for a particular flash, figured i'd ask around to see if any of you
  have it

  it's a sketch vid where some guy is sitting around enjoying his day. then satan bursts into the
  room and abducts him in a body bag. memorable lines include "looks like it's going to be a good
  day for me," "fuckin' satan," "i don't wanna go in the bag"

  any help would be much appreciated, can't pin this thing down

>> [_] Anonymous 12/17/20(Thu)20:16:41 No.3450060

  i don't think i've seen it. i assume it's a stick figure animation on newgrounds?

>> [_] Anonymous 12/17/20(Thu)21:18:25 No.3450068

  nah it's live action (i thought maybe a re-encode from YT or something, but it's nowhere to be
  found there). sorry if my OP was misleading

>> [_] Anonymous 12/17/20(Thu)22:52:56 No.3450073

  I know exactly what you're talking about but I wouldn't even begin to know what keywords to use
  to try to find it.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/17/20(Thu)23:07:29 No.3450074

  ah shame, it's heartening that someone else knows about it tho

>> [_] Anonymous 12/18/20(Fri)02:19:12 No.3450092

  I remember it too, the title was probably something silly like how to be kidnapped, IDK

>> [_] Anonymous 12/18/20(Fri)03:17:31 No.3450095


  Your searching skills are garbage. All I did was put "get in the bag" into the 4plebs archive
  search tool, and it was literally one of the first results.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/18/20(Fri)03:29:10 No.3450097

  yeah as it turns out searching "get in the bag" on swfchan got me to it as well, don't know what
  i was doing before. regardless, thanks a million for your help! it's a shitty little vid but eh
  there's nostalgia in it for us

>> [_] Anonymous 12/18/20(Fri)05:34:17 No.3450104

  Hell yeah brother
  Im off this site
Created: 18/12 -2020 00:12:53 Last modified: 18/12 -2020 16:28:43 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:04:41