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This is resource UAI5VFF, an Archived Thread.
Original location: https://boards.4chan.org/f/thread/3449354 Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 12. Discovered flash files: 2
There are 1 links ending with .swf in this thread (1 less than the discovered amount of flash files). File: Disappointment.swf-(1.97 MB, 638x826, Loop) [_] Anonymous 12/12/20(Sat)20:37:40 No.3449354 >> [_] Anonymous 12/12/20(Sat)22:52:24 No.3449358 whats the red thing on the table? >> [_] Anonymous 12/13/20(Sun)03:00:05 No.3449365 >>3449358 I think it's supposed to be a bloodstained razor that Gondola used to slit himself. >> [_] Anonymous 12/13/20(Sun)04:13:16 No.3449371 Holy shit, how does it know my computer's internal clock? >> [_] Anonymous 12/13/20(Sun)04:41:05 No.3449374 >>3449358 The bottom-half of an energy drink can. >> [_] Anonymous 12/13/20(Sun)05:11:45 No.3449376 >>3449358 pretty sure its an energy drink >> [_] Anonymous 12/13/20(Sun)12:25:52 No.3449464 anybody got sauce for the audio ? >> [_] Anonymous 12/13/20(Sun)13:16:21 No.3449472 >>3449358 I thought it was a lighter but >>3449374 seems correct now that I see it >> [_] Anonymous 12/13/20(Sun)14:37:52 No.3449480 >>3449371 because everyone and their grandma have access to the local time on the machine? >> [_] Anonymous 12/13/20(Sun)15:23:51 No.3449485 :( >> [_] Anonymous 12/13/20(Sun)15:27:23 No.3449486 >>3449371 It's a virus, your graphics card is now mining bitcoin >> [_] Anonymous 12/13/20(Sun)16:35:58 No.3449498 >>3449486 But it was doing that before too |