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This is resource URFLG14, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:20/12 -2020 06:23:32

Ended:21/12 -2020 08:21:31

Checked:21/12 -2020 10:41:07

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 28.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: HEY PORN POSTER.swf-(5.84 MB, 1600x877, Loop)
[_] what do you think of half-life themed /b (right now)/? Anonymous 12/20/20(Sun)00:18:47

  its a shame i didn't have my recording software set up when it was nothing but half life

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 12/20/20(Sun)01:09:16 No.3450395

  when did discussion in .swf related happen

>> [_] Anonymous 12/20/20(Sun)01:11:18 No.3450396

  Made me post on /b/ for the first time in 8 years

>> [_] Anonymous 12/20/20(Sun)10:33:40 No.3450445

  >Welcome to /b/ - Half-Life
  >This board is the place to discuss all things Half Life, including but not limited to Half-Life,
  Half-Life 2, and the Portal series
  >Does this mean discussion of Half-Life is banned on other video game boards? No!
  >Please familiarize yourself with the rules!

  i assume it's a joke or are they legit trying to incorporate random daily/weekly themes on /b/?

  >Error: Maximum file size allowed is 2 MB
  Still have the retarded low file size limit so they can't legit be trying to revitalize the
  board. Having random "themes" for short times is actually not a good idea.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/20/20(Sun)10:34:49 No.3450446

  lulz at saying Portal has anything to do with Half-Life

>> [_] Anonymous 12/20/20(Sun)10:37:39 No.3450447

  >Having random "themes" for short times is actually not a good idea.
  derp, i meant to say it's actually not a BAD idea

  /b/ is basically just for loli porn threads these days so feeding random rotating themes could
  make the board more interesting and bring back some people that have escaped to other boards

>> [_] Anonymous 12/20/20(Sun)11:45:26 No.3450449

  Have you ever played either portal or half-life 2. They canonically take place in the same world

>> [_] Anonymous 12/20/20(Sun)12:03:15 No.3450450

  So youre telling me that you didnt post on /b/ in the longcat sticky ? ;_;

>> [_] Anonymous 12/20/20(Sun)12:28:55 No.3450453

  sure they've thrown in "black mesa" as a competing organization but the games have nothing to do
  with each other. they could have used any other name and it would have made no difference, so
  "black mesa" is more of an easter egg or pop culture reference than it is a connection to the
  half-life games.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/20/20(Sun)12:30:43 No.3450454

  What about the Borealis?

>> [_] Anonymous 12/20/20(Sun)13:26:46 No.3450459

  nothing i knew about but isn't it exactly the same, only a name reference?

>> [_] Anonymous 12/20/20(Sun)14:01:24 No.3450460

  What do i think? I think it's fucking useless, they make two stickies and deleted the other one,
  but the rest of the board is the same porn dump with people with less than a 12 years old brain
  and no creativity fapping to random girls

>> [_] Anonymous 12/20/20(Sun)14:03:59 No.3450461

  They take place in the same universe. Your argument is simply fucking invalid.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/20/20(Sun)14:06:48 No.3450462


>> [_] Anonymous 12/20/20(Sun)14:12:36 No.3450463

  Who even posts on /b/ anymore?

>> [_] Anonymous 12/20/20(Sun)14:29:55 No.3450464


>> [_] Anonymous 12/20/20(Sun)14:44:46 No.3450465

  Yes lore wise, but that still doesn't make Portal part of Half-Life.
  And it's barely the same universe, swap out the names and they are completely detached from each

>> [_] Anonymous 12/20/20(Sun)15:15:59 No.3450466

  /b/ died more than 10 years ago.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/20/20(Sun)16:05:15 No.3450468

  Should we tell him?

>> [_] Anonymous 12/20/20(Sun)16:41:42 No.3450471

  >/b/ - half-life
  >one fucking half-life thread on the entire board
  Even /v/ was never this off topic.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/20/20(Sun)18:33:00 No.3450480

  They did the same thing last year

>> [_] Anonymous 12/20/20(Sun)18:34:48 No.3450482

  around the same time? with half-life as well?

>> [_] Anonymous 12/20/20(Sun)18:40:12 No.3450484

  2 months apart for some reason
  Just as a heads up this site has popups out the ass

>> [_] Anonymous 12/20/20(Sun)18:42:45 No.3450485

  hm, that's so random.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/20/20(Sun)18:44:00 No.3450486


>> [_] Anonymous 12/20/20(Sun)20:07:04 No.3450495

  Borealis? Aurora Borealis?
  At this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country, localized entirely
  whithin your kitchen.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/20/20(Sun)20:24:38 No.3450496

  mostly 14 year olds and middle aged guys sharing photos of their nieces

>> [_] Anonymous 12/21/20(Mon)02:20:58 No.3450516

  Wait, what? I didn't visit this chan this week, what happened?
Created: 20/12 -2020 06:23:32 Last modified: 21/12 -2020 10:41:26 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:16:04