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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

This is resource UTVZS9N, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:15/8 -2020 16:29:04
4.5 years ago.

Ended:16/8 -2020 22:37:20
4.5 years ago.

Checked:16/8 -2020 23:23:35
4.5 years ago.

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 27.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: everything in moderation.swf-(229 KB, 500x495, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 08/15/20(Sat)10:26:42 No.3436658

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/20(Sat)12:04:14 No.3436661

  forgot to mention, the music sauce is the cuckoo chase music from Minish Cap

>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/20(Sat)13:13:59 No.3436664

  I wonder what next friday will bring.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/20(Sat)13:45:14 No.3436665

  /vd/ - Video Game Discussion

>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/20(Sat)18:13:11 No.3436678

  /vee/ - Video Game Ecchi/Erotic

>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/20(Sat)18:21:58 No.3436680

  all boards are merged into one

>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/20(Sat)19:57:07 No.3436687

  alternate universe

>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/20(Sat)21:42:07 No.3436700

  This would be good april fools

>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/20(Sat)21:47:16 No.3436702

  that'd be fun but maybe impractical. but I think /pol/ alone has its own dedicated server, I
  guess they could repurpose it for a board that would be constantly getting hundreds upon hundreds
  of posts per minute.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/20(Sat)22:50:27 No.3436706

  It's nice to see you folks get inspired to make new content

>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/20(Sat)23:19:15 No.3436709


>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/20(Sat)23:20:27 No.3436710

  This but unironically

>> [_] Anonymous 08/15/20(Sat)23:32:13 No.3436719

  /vbbw/ - Video Games/Bing Bing Wahoo

>> [_] Anonymous 08/16/20(Sun)00:25:42 No.3436734

  reminder that 2ch had over 100 boards

>> [_] Atavus 08/16/20(Sun)04:55:40 No.3436755

  Were it 100 unique boards with good purpose or 50 half-dead spinoffs that did nothing but use up

  And then Hiro will come at us:
  Rooo, nu bords cost manii monii. Pliss buye dee 4chan passu.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/16/20(Sun)06:00:06 No.3436765

  /vbbw/ - Video Games/Big Beautiful Women

>> [_] Anonymous 08/16/20(Sun)06:39:07 No.3436766

  on our way to 1000 plus requiring passu to post

>> [_] Milhouse 08/16/20(Sun)09:24:47 No.3436769


>> [_] Anonymous 08/16/20(Sun)10:02:09 No.3436771

  repeal of gr15

>> [_] Anonymous 08/16/20(Sun)10:17:21 No.3436773

  not /film/.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/16/20(Sun)10:23:35 No.3436775

  gave me a good chuckle, thanks anon

>> [_] Anonymous 08/16/20(Sun)10:26:34 No.3436778

  ...really? users must have been spread pretty thin, i'd go nuts having to wait a day between
  replies in threads

>> [_] Anonymous 08/16/20(Sun)11:33:27 No.3436785

  God, please. /vrpg/ is actually a decent place to discuss games. I look back at /v/ and it's just
  a haze of sfw /b/ posts, people getting mad at high budget games, and coomers. Give me more vidya
  boards. I would JIZZ if we got a board for puzzle games.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/16/20(Sun)11:37:55 No.3436788

  dude video games lmao

>> [_] Anonymous 08/16/20(Sun)16:21:46 No.3436801

  5ch is much bigger and faster than 4chan.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/16/20(Sun)16:22:55 No.3436802

  give me /vn/ already
  [spoiler]jp doesn't count[/spoiler]

>> [_] Anonymous 08/16/20(Sun)16:31:19 No.3436803

  or you could just put effort into modding the place and make it a good place to actually discuss
  videogames again, instead of a pornless /b/

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Created: 15/8 -2020 16:29:04 Last modified: 16/8 -2020 23:23:38 Server time: 11/03 -2025 09:58:13