Archived flashes:
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This is resource WU8G31K, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:26/6 -2020 03:23:00

Ended:26/6 -2020 20:26:15

Checked:27/6 -2020 11:29:03

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 3.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: whiteboard.swf-(340 KB, 1050x640, Game)
[_] Draw Your Ultimate Destiny Lighthouse Watchman 06/25/20(Thu)21:21:37 No.3432194

  Draw what you rolled.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/20(Fri)10:40:53 No.3432241

  why do you keep posting this shit, only a small circlejerk uses it

  post this stuff on dagobah if you want it to stay or use some other better website, idiot

>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/20(Fri)14:23:43 No.3432254

  Why care so much? It's just a word on a screen among a list of other words that eventually fall
  off and get posted again and again. Why? Because they can.
  Of course, he who wants it on Dagobah so badly can always save the link and post it there
  themselves. Or draown it out with a flood of other flash content so that no one gets to see and
  click it or cringe at its presence.
  But maybe some hapless noob wants to try making a thing without pressure or judgement and only
  knows about 4chan to access it?
  It's really not wasting any space or anyone's time. it's jjust a word on a screen among other
  words. Some may despise it, some rare few may gasm for joy over it. The rest care as bare minimal
  about it as every other link on the screen.
Created: 26/6 -2020 03:23:00 Last modified: 27/6 -2020 11:29:21 Server time: 05/01 -2025 05:27:11