/ > /fap/ > Thread 20680
Age: 108.55d Health: 0% Posters: 6 Posts: 10 Replies: 7 Files: 1+3
>> Anonymous 23nov2020(mo)22:08 No.81315 OP P1
Anybody remember Zone?
[IMG] Zone-tan oral doctor cursed.swf (12.2 MiB)
1100x800, Compressed (Deflate). 15 frames, 24 fps (00:01).
Ver15, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No. <METADATA>
[find in archive]
>> Anonymous 23nov2020(mo)22:31 No.81317 A P2R1
Yeah, he lives milking patreon buck of all the cummers who "support" him even tho he hasn't produce
an animation in years.
>> Anonymous 23nov2020(mo)22:34 No.81318 B P3R2
True, but still ... if you don't know who Zone is ... what are you even doing on the internet?
Especially on flash boards, ESPECIALLY HERE.
>> Anonymous 23nov2020(mo)22:59 No.81323 A P4R3
Only ultra casuals don't know who zone is.
>> Anonymous 23nov2020(mo)23:58 No.81327 A P5
Firefox in its last update has finally fucked up flash elements, cant open any flash in firefox
without crashing.
>> Anonymous 24nov2020(tu)00:47 No.81328 A P6
Now that I have run some tests It appears that only crashes within the swfchan site.
>> Anonymous 24nov2020(tu)05:58 No.81334 C P7R4
christ this swf sucks
>> Anonymous 24nov2020(tu)08:19 No.81338 D P8R5
This man draws guro
>> Anonymous 24nov2020(tu)17:21 No.81341 A P9R6
Even better.
>> Anonymous 25nov2020(we)06:41 No.81352 E P10R7
Doesn't happen to me though. This or any website.