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This is resource XSQP3ZD, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:29/10 -2020 12:11:53

Ended:14/3 -2021 04:22:45

Checked:14/3 -2021 04:33:10

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 9.
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/ > /fap/ > Thread 20482

Age: 128.68d   Health: 0%   Posters: 7   Posts: 9   Replies: 8   Files: 1+2

>> Anonymous 29oct2020(th)12:06 No.80720 OP P1

hex maniac peachypop34

by peachypop 34 interactive ver

[IMG] HexInteractive.swf (7.04 MiB)
650x720, Compressed (Deflate). 2 frames, 30 fps (00:00).
Ver41, AS3. Network access: No. Text: No.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No.
[find in archive]

>> Anonymous 1nov2020(su)02:57 No.80804 A P2R1

Still shit.

>> Anonymous 1nov2020(su)13:02 No.80815 B P3R2

what changed?

>> Anonymous 1nov2020(su)16:48 No.80825 C P4R3

i remember that news article about Nintendo lawsuits to artists who draw hex maniac porn and
another similar article from blizzard entertainment suing r34 creators using DMCA
what do you think about it discuss here

>> Anonymous 2nov2020(mo)20:29 No.80848 D P5R4

I don't think it's right for Nintendo to go after little guys making fan art (even if it's
pornographic) but I also don't think it's right for artists to make money from Nintendo's
characters. Especially if they paywall their porn "parodies".

If you piggyback on someone else's work then either don't expect to get paid for it OR obtain an
official license - something Nintendo probably wouldn't grant for porn, meaning the only option is
to make your porn and release it for free. I don't have a problem with asking for "support" (money)
for future art as long as the future art is unknown and varied, meaning different
parodies/characters, even some original characters. But if the artist continues to only piggyback
on Nintendo's characters I can see how they would think it's a problem.

Imagine if you spend a lot of time and money on developing a world of characters, complete with
relations/voices/backstories, and you do it so well that an entire generation of people gets
emotionally invested into your characters. Then someone else comes along and starts drawing your
imaginary girls topless, he only becomes noticed because he uses the characters you created, then
he earns money and you get no cut. Maybe you even feel it is damaging your world or reputation.
Some artists are asking for "support" and all they do is work on a single Nintendo-themed game that
just grows larger in scope.

Granted Nintendo isn't some poor little indie dev and Nintendo's fantasy world has become what it
is from several people's hard work, but maybe the little indie dev that feels the same way is just
too little to fight against the beast that is unlicensed porn games hiding behind being a "parody".
Even if he had the time and money to fight it would wreck his reputation because people just think
porn ownership is outside the law. Granted, up to a certain point porn parodies are free
advertisement for the small devs. But that doesn't apply to Nintendo, they don't care for the free

>> Anonymous 4nov2020(we)23:45 No.80870 B P6R5

This. I wonder why people just think it's okay to make art of it, as long as it is not something
Nintendo would ever do like porn.
Then again, I completely agree with:
+ Porn should be allowed and should be free only.
The point of r34 is not to make money living off it, it is a service to all mankind.
I think the optimal way would be to make your own (comissioned) porn and throw in a r34 every other
time as a freebie from your own "free" time.

>> Anonymous 6jan2021(we)11:44 No.82519 E P7R6

More like shitpop34.

>> Anonymous 6jan2021(we)13:17 No.82522 F P8R7

the fanarts, porn and not, end up being better for publicity and having almost no real downside for
the rights holders other than maybe people associating it with porn and that's only a bad thing if
you're a puritan cunt who whines about porn existing

>> Anonymous 9jan2021(sa)14:33 No.82624 E P9R8

It's like a poo though.
Created: 29/10 -2020 12:11:53 Last modified: 14/3 -2021 04:34:09 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:01:23