/ > /fap/ > Thread 14351 Age: 50d Health: 0% Posters: 1 Posts: 2 Replies: 0 Files: 1+2
>> Anon 66034 Anyone have a guide for this? Oh, the swf require multiple files so don't bother download it. The sauce you can find it on dlsite but in japan. [IMG] RJ183670.swf (31.8 KiB) 480x360, Compressed (Deflate). 1 frame, 30 fps (00:00). Ver9, AS1/AS2. Network access: Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Video: [find in archive]
>> Anon 66035 If you want to play it and don't bother to support the creator, there's an old post in the archive. http://swfchan.com/42/206275/?osake_ries z_ero.swf