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Threads (1):
/ > /fap/ > Thread 14628 Age: 98.87d Health: 0% Posters: 10 Posts: 12 Replies: 11 Files: 2+2 >> random Crow 67217 zum Damenhaus v.3.5.1 new content: quality of life changes + new animations [IMG] zum Damenhaus v.3.5.1.swf (30.27 MiB) 800x600, Compressed (Deflate). 2 frames, 30 fps (00:00). Ver28, AS3. Network access: Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: [find in archive] >> Anon 67230 Jesus it's still so goddamn slooooooow. >> Anon 67267 Good stuff, Crow, good stuff. >> Anon 67268 >># try downloading it and playing it with a standalone flash player. stuff here usually runs slow for me in browser. >> Anon 67306 i swear if i gotta restart my game one more gawd deem time imma throw a hissyfit. >> Anon 67311 i like how when i press new game it just gives me the option to click No or Yes without explanation, probably a remark on how life is full of uncertain paths >> Anon 67316 https://imgur.com/8h3TSIU A bit hidden, but other than that... >> Anon 67317 >># embed my assttatchment queer >> Anon 67319 Completely broken game, played maybe 15 mins and I ran into two game breaking bugs already that needed a complete restart of the save. >> Anon 67325 >># you playing on chrome? >> Anon 67327 >># we have an attachment function here, random Crow use it and don't link to shitty hosting sites >> Anon 67738 >># [IMG]8h3TSIU.png |