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Cadence-verOpt-OnlyBackground&Mu sic.swf
2,19 MiB, 00:00 | [W] [I]

Threads (1):

[KPGL26M]F !
ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 13/4 -2019 11:26:24 Ended: 8/7 -2019 08:09:24Flashes: 1 Posts: 11
/ > /fap/ > Thread 14757 Age: 78.87d Health: 0% Posters: 6 Posts: 11 Replies: 9 Files: 1+3
>> Anon 68083 [IMG] Cadence-verOpt-OnlyBackground&Music.swf (2.19 MiB) 800x700, Uncompressed. 1 frame, 63.53 fps (00:00). Ver12, AS1/AS2. Network access: Text: Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Video: <METADATA> [find in archive]
>> Anon 68088 looks like removing the lights breaks the loop progression
>> Anon 68101 >># I think that by default, the progression of the loop is interrupted with or without lighting effects Above all for those anon's who have a shit cpu (Like me)
>> Anon 68107 >># it still works on all those other edits, where at least the colour changing lights are still in the flash
>> --- 68113 --- no creampie here? sad ;c
>> Anon 68118 Who is this character from?
>> Anon 68146 >># Crypt of the necrodancer but i cant fucking remember the fucking song! thats driving me insane
>> Anon 68156 >># isn't it the song from the same game?
>> Anon 68161 >># >># Rhythmortis, the lobby theme.
>> Anon 68197 >># sounds like it... but it isn't went through the 6 or 7 versions of it... no one was like this :/
>> Anon 68198 >># >># Also hey shazam worked on this haha... its Deep Sea Bass ('S Coral Riff Remix) from chipzel
Created: 13/4 -2019 11:32:31 Last modified: 8/7 -2019 08:50:44 Server time: 03/01 -2025 01:25:24