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Threads (1):

[RV6JWZ0]F !
ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 5/5 -2019 18:26:55 Ended: 12/9 -2019 01:58:41Flashes: 1 Posts: 21
/ > /fap/ > Thread 14836 Age: 122.31d Health: 0% Posters: 15 Posts: 21 Replies: 18 Files: 2+2
>> Anon 68527 Complete game can only be played here: P_naru2.html Tried editing the second part so that it could be played standalone, but without success. [IMG] nomal_naru_kyun2.swf (5.95 MiB) 842x595, Compressed (Deflate). 1 frame, 24 fps (00:00). Ver41, AS3. Network access: Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: [find in archive]
>> Anon 68528 You should also leave a link to the introduction page, man. The protagonist is a cute boy. なるくんとえっち2
>> Anon 68529 How the fuck do I play?
>> Anon 68530 >># Hold down the left mouse button depending on the rhythm. I can only reach "blowjob", it is too hard.
>> Anon 68533 haha, I finished, not difficult. [IMG]finished.png
>> Anon 68540 Meh, this is too hard just for a fap, someone hack this crap or upload gameplay to xvideos pls lol
>> IT'S A TRAP! 68544 Why doesn't this artist make a trap/girl toggle and make it fappable to many more, shouldn't be that hard since they already look like girls.. Lame to fall into pitfall trap almost every time this guy makes a flash..
>> Anon 68552 >># Thank you. It's refreshing to see someone else recognizes the need for a Mushroom button for the few people who like traps, while everyone else enjoys their sex vanilla. Cater to everybody, I say; let people decide for themselves.
>> Anon 68563 Before I put any more effort into this... tell me, is this a girl or a trap? I hate that you cannot even tell or rely on that anymore these days.
>> Anon 68571 >># ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
>> Anon 68573 >># just look at the clothes and tell me if it's a girl's school uniform
>> Anon 68575 >># I'm sorry, but if all it takes to stop you from crushing such effeminate ass-pussy is a little dick then you're clearly a low testosterone and therefore probably gay.
>> Anon 68592 Hold left click down, you absolute fucking retards.
>> Anon 68603 >># That's a weird way of defending your own gayness. BrokenLogic.exe
>> Anon 68624 >># You should modify "nomal_OP_naru2.swf", and in AS replace "nomal_naru_kyun2" with "nomal_naru_naru3".
>> Anon 68662 >># Still wouldn't be standalone, stand-alone as in a single flash file. Inserting the code from the opening in the sex scene flash bypass the OMG! black screen, but then clicking anywhere closes the flash and I don't know how to fix it.
>> Anon 68672 >># >># I'm fucking retarded. I spend more than 6 hours learning this cancerous language called Actionscript and reading the code, not finding what was wrong and trying various ways to bypass the block, and then the problem wasn't the code, was the fucking ffdec which breaks the saved flash when it reads a Stage class call. All it needed, since the beginning, was a simple one line modification to make this a single-file flash, but ffdec was breaking the edited flash.
>> necrofag No 1 68737 umm why is there OP before the file name example: OP_robin also sorry for bump
>> Anon 68746 >># OPening. As in the loader.
>> Anon 68804 >># I know that feel bro.
>> Anon 70749 >># do you know how to bypass the OMG screen?
Created: 5/5 -2019 18:34:01 Last modified: 12/9 -2019 02:05:59 Server time: 02/01 -2025 23:35:43