File: complaining.swf-(978 KB, 550x400, Other)
[_] the absolute state of SVG Anonymous 08/25/21(Wed)17:50:08 No.3471094
Apparently graphic cards can render svgs pretty fast thanks to path rendering or hardware support
but no game engine makes use of this.
This would even solve the font problem but nooooo Unity and Unreal think they don't need it.
Instead they implement shitty solutions that triangulate the path which is incredibly stupid
considering that you might as well render the svg to a high res png if you don't care about exact
Fuck them. Now I have to learn fucking opengl to use the nvidia plugin.
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Still worried about your solar system? 08/26/21(Thu)14:27:59 No.3471149
<User was banned for this post
>> [_] Anonymous 08/26/21(Thu)15:13:55 No.3471155
just write your own engine, bruh
>> [_] Anonymous 08/26/21(Thu)17:17:56 No.3471169
Path rendering is a portability nightmare and nobody wants to maintain that shit. Especially on
mobile. Triangulating a path is very very robust technology, the results are very very
predictable and it fits nicely into the rendering pipelines because it's actually 3D.
>exact paths for fonts
And it looks like fuzzy shit. Hinting is needed. Fitting to pixel grid is needed.
>font problem in game engines
Please elaborate.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/26/21(Thu)22:19:05 No.3471192
Just use flash technology for vector graphics,
it is vector based and with reimplementations such as ruffle showing how it can be unpacked and
the technology becoming abandonware its free real estate