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Age: 199.58d Health: 0% Posters: 8 Posts: 14 Replies: 11 Files: 1+2
>> Anonymous 20aug2021(fr)22:32 No.86800 OP P1
Clixsposing Samus but with hacked script
I got bored so I fucked with the script
game no longer saves progress but you start with loads of money, upgrades are essentially free, and
all the endings are unlocked
[IMG] clixsposing-samus-bootleg-script.swf (1.87 MiB)
1100x800, Compressed (Deflate). 77 frames, 30 fps (00:03).
Ver17, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No.
[find in archive]
>> Anonymous 22aug2021(su)01:12 No.86810 A P2R1
i do miss me some porn GAMES
where you had to earn the smut
always made it more fun and rewarding
>> Anonymous 26aug2021(th)23:20 No.86844 B P3R2
pretty cool
I remember playing this legit
the animations hold up pretty well
>> Anonymous 27aug2021(fr)05:41 No.86848 C P4R3
Now that's a classic, nice
>> Anonymous 28aug2021(sa)10:11 No.86858 D P5R4
For those of you who want to play clixsposing Samus but without the cheats, you will have to delete
ClixSamBootleg.sol from your computer, as this hacked version the game will leave you with a
completed save for the unhacked game.
>> Anonymous 5sep2021(su)10:12 No.86922 E P6R5
What happened to the creator?
>> Anonymous 6sep2021(mo)14:31 No.86967 F P7R6
ClixSposing Samus and ClixSposing Kitraandra was made by GSPervert
2005-2006. he vanished from the internet long ago and has not been hear since.
the user/ modder for this flash goes by the handle corta.
they combined Kitraandra and Samus gameplay.
they hang around legendofkrystal forums.
2010- present day? I don't know if they are still active.
this is a list of flash games they modded
OP hacked the mod.
>> Anonymous 6sep2021(mo)22:11 No.86970 E P8R7
yeah i can't seem to find them anywhere, corta that is
really sad, i liked their edits and flash makers are rare now
>> Anonymous 13sep2021(mo)08:58 No.87048 A P9R8
GSPervert is still around he just makes static furry art
mostly posts a glut of art one or twice a year
hes one of those early 90s furries that made a life for himself on the con circut
>> Anonymous 13sep2021(mo)08:58 No.87049 A P10
also he goes by GSpanovich now, forgot to mention that
>> Anonymous 13sep2021(mo)13:15 No.87053 F P11R9
yeah found them
well if anything, his art consistent.
nothing has changed since his KO Boxing and Lovesaber art
>> Anonymous 14sep2021(tu)00:43 No.87055 G P12R10
He also made some shockwave games I kept and uploaded to flashpoint
search for "click-strip" and "tamburu"
>> Anonymous 17sep2021(fr)04:51 No.87068 F P13R11
this is new to me , how do these work?
>> Anonymous 17sep2021(fr)05:13 No.87069 F P14
here is a journal, seems his PC holding all these old shockwave files died with no back up.
a few fans got links to archive stuff there.