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Original location: https://boards.4chan.org/f/thread/3464096/wrote-a-little… Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 13. Discovered flash files: 1
File: MeguMatrix.swf-(3.49 MB, 320x180, Loop) [_] Wrote a little thingy for an RGB LED Matrix Anonymous 04/20/21(Tue)15:22:44 No.3464096 Thought you'd enjoy, even if the quality is a bit fucking shit. Both the video and the panel. >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/21(Tue)15:27:29 No.3464097 >>3464096 Gib me one. >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/21(Tue)15:36:22 No.3464098 >>3464096 Very cute panel. Good work mate. Also nice job on actually looping the video properly. >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/21(Tue)16:29:54 No.3464102 >>3464096 very nice >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/21(Tue)17:05:43 No.3464103 >>3464097 Nyet, you build. https://github.com/VelleitySoft/Megu https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32754106669.html >>3464098 Thanks anon, really appreciate it! >>3464102 Same to you, means a lot to me that people actually like it! >> [_] John Moses Browning 04/20/21(Tue)18:06:30 No.3464109 Oh damn Neat >> [_] mike 04/20/21(Tue)18:10:08 No.3464110 >>3464096 have my babies >> [_] Anonymous 04/20/21(Tue)18:57:18 No.3464114 that's neat! thanks for posting it. >> [_] Anonymous 04/21/21(Wed)01:04:00 No.3464137 >>3464096 is that some mother fucking oc? >> [_] Anonymous 04/21/21(Wed)01:28:29 No.3464139 >>3464110 mike pls https://imgur.com/a/HFRsKpy I'm still waiting on how you managed this >> [_] Anonymous 04/21/21(Wed)04:04:06 No.3464154 >>3464137 YES Gonna set up a twitch bot so people can draw to it, but I needed to start somewhere. >> [_] Anonymous 04/21/21(Wed)06:14:32 No.3464160 i love it >>3464139 this as well >> [_] Anonymous 04/21/21(Wed)08:11:58 No.3464165 https://www.twitch.tv/velleity_grimripper Here, now it's on twitch, go wild. |