File: Russians took over /f/.swf-(1.82 MB, 768x576, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 02/04/22(Fri)20:10:20 No.3479374
>> [_] Anonymous 02/04/22(Fri)20:29:45 No.3479375
first /f/, then the world
>> [_] Anonymous 02/05/22(Sat)18:51:33 No.3479423
Now I can't start new thread in /f/, 4chan show me this message:
"Posting from your IP range has been blocked due to abuse. [More Info]
4chan Pass users can bypass this block. [Learn More]"
Probably, fucken sosachers committed a raid in /b/, and they were banned on all 4chan, and the
Internet provider, which was used by one of sosachers, was the same that I use.
Many providers in Russia have block access to 4chan, but Rostelecom is not. But I be blocked by
the 4chan itself. It is sad. But I still can write to the already created threads.
Your Яussian /f/riend.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/05/22(Sat)20:24:31 No.3479428
Fuck ruskie scum, stop occupying crimea and go back to drinking vodka and dying of hypothermia
all day.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/05/22(Sat)20:36:15 No.3479429
> stop occupying crimea
Cockhole, keep calm! Crimea is Russian, so solved the people of Crimea. The right of nations on
self-determination - heard about it?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/05/22(Sat)20:50:51 No.3479430
I'll tell you what i heard about- ruskie propaganda and cheated elections, stealthy
destabilization and imperial aspirations. Don't try to talk about rights you fucking hypocrite,
you never regard any of those
>> [_] Anonymous 02/06/22(Sun)02:14:56 No.3479441
Keep on trying, Anon. Same as in life, look out for opportunities to improve things.