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This is resource VCVIE3V, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:13/10 -2021 02:31:58

Ended:14/10 -2021 11:35:52

Checked:14/10 -2021 11:59:12

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 12.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: natsumistep.swf-(4.27 MB, 400x300, Japanese)
[_] October 22nd /f/ren gathering Anonymous 10/12/21(Tue)20:27:28 No.3474042

  Lets have a /f/ren gathering
  October 22nd and November 10th
  mark those days on the calendar and we can all bring our best flash especially interesting ones
  and multiplayer ones so we can really get a chance to talk.

  i have some ideas on how to improve flash archives to improve the user experience,
  get in here on those days and join the conversation /f/riends
  October 22nd and November 10th

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 10/13/21(Wed)16:26:44 No.3474089

  what. how about you just tell us your shitty ideas today?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/13/21(Wed)18:36:54 No.3474100

  not sure if i can make it. and everybody bringing their flash flashes will bump any discussion
  off the board.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/13/21(Wed)19:11:32 No.3474102

  because /f/rens aren't all here yet
  would require 6 anons each posting 5 flashes to knock everything off there is a limit to how many
  you can post today

>> [_] Anonymous 10/13/21(Wed)19:36:47 No.3474108

  Could you, at least FOR ONCE, try using your brain before opening your mouth? I'm getting tired
  of seeing these posts. You show the awareness of a very young child. I don't know what fantasy
  world you live in, but to get people to show up in your silly events you need to provide a damn
  good reason for them to do so. Especially in a place where most people are jaded in one way or
  another, saying "I have something important to say, everyone be there on date XXth of YY" won't
  do it.

  >i have some ideas on how to improve flash archives
  >get in here on those days and join the conversation
  Claiming you have "some ideas on how to improve things" isn't convincing at all. Your silly
  online mass gathering is going to get zero participants, nobody will show up even to laugh at
  you, that's how little they care. To say the least, you as a total nobody aren't any kind of
  authority to tell others how flash archives should be operated.

  Like someone else said, if you have an idea, just tell it. People will see it and if it's very
  good, react accordingly. But most likely it's not.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/13/21(Wed)20:16:51 No.3474112

  >Your silly online mass gathering is going to get zero participants, nobody will show up even to
  laugh at you, that's how little they care. To say the least, you as a total nobody aren't any
  kind of authority to tell others how flash archives should be operated.

  Says the guy who wrote the longest post in this thread

  never said i was an authority on that just wanted to share ideas and work together on improving
  the experience

  and that's the crux of what i want to discuss and new technologies that can be used.

  You seen v86 on github?, you can run fucking Windows 98 in your browser now, there is literally
  no reason such technology couldn't be used for plugins.

  i will see you on October 22nd or if you cant make it try in November 10

>> [_] Anonymous 10/13/21(Wed)20:22:15 No.3474113

  Dude calm down, take your viagra or whatever

>> [_] Anonymous 10/13/21(Wed)20:35:25 No.3474114

  there are more than 6 anons on /f/ though, if only 6 show up there won't be a problem but there
  won't be much of a discussion either

>> [_] Anonymous 10/13/21(Wed)20:52:56 No.3474116

  not everyone has to upload a flash but you would want one of your favorites to be there or just a
  technicality interesting one or one that needs some help to get it to work.

  i remember there were some flashes that had multiplayer, if anybodies got some of those that
  would be cool
  just would be cool if we had occasional /f/ren days so we can have some fun for old time sake

  btw just did a file dump of that Saitama

  If i were to post

  the next button wouldnt work because it tries to load these files

  all this because i loaded sa_to_kk2.swf in exceed2020 and saw it ask for sa_to_kk2.swf
  googled that and found an old infoseek url that i put into wayback

  i also had some old banner ads from 2005 that i got form an old computer threw those in anyway
  because why not

  foam.swf can receive input by adding stuff to the end of its url
  for instructions

>> [_] Anonymous 10/13/21(Wed)21:00:34 No.3474117

  i can never thank great painters
  for them tolerance enough.
  - ending.swf

>> [_] Anonymous 10/13/21(Wed)21:01:09 No.3474118

  >take your viagra or whatever
  I really hope you have got those dates marked on your calendar.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/14/21(Thu)05:27:12 No.3474164

Created: 13/10 -2021 02:31:58 Last modified: 14/10 -2021 12:02:00 Server time: 26/07 -2024 23:37:14