File: tomorrow_i__ll_by_turbojuk.swf-(5.55 MB, 640x480, Anime)
[_] [Announcement]/f/ren day Tomorrow! Anonymous 10/20/21(Wed)21:37:21 No.3474654
October 22nd /f/ren gathering plus November 10th
bring your best flash, stop by for a chat talk about the good ol' days and our future.
see you there!
>> [_] Anonymous 10/20/21(Wed)22:09:52 No.3474663
Crumb, not the E.M.!!
>> [_] Anonymous 10/20/21(Wed)22:16:33 No.3474664
....To find it....
>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/21(Thu)00:35:47 No.3474671
. へ へ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
. ( ・cっ・)< Sneed!
. (J つ \_____
. )__n__(
>> [_] OP 10/21/21(Thu)01:25:51 No.3474677
`o_ o< ) '-. ( ).`-.__.`)
(_Y_.)' \_ ) `._ `. ``-,--'
`~~'_..-_/ /~~"_.' ,' lost tail...
>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/21(Thu)02:21:23 No.3474681
Very nice digits and text-art.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/21(Thu)03:29:48 No.3474684
( o )( o )
was going to post something nicer but "Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please
reformat and try again."
>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/21(Thu)16:09:05 No.3474724
Io good-morning and welcome to the main-frame!
>> [_] Anonymous 10/21/21(Thu)16:10:44 No.3474725
Thank you 81 Io