File: Purupuru.swf-(6.25 MB, 498x357, Loop)
[_] gravelord 05/16/21(Sun)22:13:22 No.3465725
New week ahead
>> [_] Anonymous 05/17/21(Mon)02:24:22 No.3465744
having this playing in the background while trying to get work done is the most soulcrushing shit.
hate life
hate work
oh god why
>> [_] ta-kun 05/17/21(Mon)03:14:15 No.3465749
you're the best
>> [_] Anonymous 05/17/21(Mon)14:50:44 No.3465791
purupuru pururiiin
>> [_] Anonymous 05/18/21(Tue)12:17:44 No.3465866
One of these days I should really rewatch NHK.