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This is resource WA8MIOT, an Archived Thread.
Original location: https://boards.4chan.org/f/thread/3476463/first-loop Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 5. Discovered flash files: 1
There are 2 links ending with .swf in this thread (1 more than the discovered amount of flash files). File: lain_life.swf-(7.88 MB, 800x866, Loop) [_] First loop Anonymous 11/23/21(Tue)17:08:06 No.3476463 My first shot at making anything in flash, took me a while to figure out but eventually I got what I wanted. Tips on how to get the file size down? The audio takes up a massive amount of space, I don't know how much compression would still sound good. Any other critiques, comments, or just call me a faggot are welcome too. This was fun, probably going to do more in the future. Let's all love Lain >> [_] Anonymous 11/23/21(Tue)17:10:26 No.3476465 Also, the whole time while I was making this I got this unnerving feeling that this exact thing had been done before but I couldn't find it in the archives or swfchan. If I copied someone it was unintentional, chalk it up to the /f/ hivemind >> [_] Anonymous 11/23/21(Tue)18:34:55 No.3476469 using a 9-minute sound for a loop just isn't a great idea, because of file size concerns as you said. either cut it down manually in Audacity, or choose to compromise the sound quality. but this is pretty good. I also feel like I've seen this idea before, but I can't remember the file name or anything. >> [_] Anonymous 11/25/21(Thu)11:44:53 No.3476545 >>3476465 well you aren't the only person in the last period to start your first loop with a flash about Lain http://eye.swfchan.com/flash.asp?id=237712&n=lainiforniacation.swf >> [_] Anonymous 11/25/21(Thu)11:45:57 No.3476546 >>3476469 probably the flashes by fauux http://swfchan.com/36/179192/ |