File: Super Happy Sunshine Community Center.swf-(861 KB, 800x600, Other)
[_] Super Happy Sunshine Community Center 03/08/21(Mon)14:28:01 No.3461444
>> [_] Anonymous 03/08/21(Mon)14:33:06 No.3461445
>can't find it on swfchan
>> [_] Super Happy Sunshine Community Center 03/08/21(Mon)15:02:30 No.3461449
How do you check if a swf is on swfchan when the filename has changed?
>> [_] Anonymous 03/08/21(Mon)15:23:35 No.3461450
You don't. That's why you shouldn't rename flashes.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/09/21(Tue)13:27:28 No.3461499
A) wait for it to be indexed with that name
B) do an exact search (for filesize), with this you can find everything as long as you have the
file and it is already on swfchan (if not post it!)