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Creambee - OpenBar v0.9.swf
4,23 MiB, 00:01 | [W] [I]

Threads (3):

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 23/9 -2020 10:04:30 Ended: 24/9 -2020 09:55:18Flashes: 1 Posts: 2
File: Creambee - OpenBar v0.9.swf-(4.23 MB, 1210x910, Hentai)
[_] Anon 3440565
>> [_] Anon 3440680 neat

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 17/4 -2020 13:42:35 Ended: 17/4 -2020 13:42:35Flashes: 1 Posts: 1
File: Creambee - OpenBar v0.9.swf-(4.23 MB, 1210x910, Porn)
[_] Anon 3425289

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 20/7 -2019 16:01:10 Ended: 1/1 -2020 03:12:52Flashes: 1 Posts: 34
/ > /fap/ > Thread 15167 Age: 157.46d Health: 0% Posters: 18 Posts: 34 Replies: 33 Files: 1+3
>> Anon 70144 [IMG] Creambee - OpenBar v0.9.swf (4.23 MiB) 1210x910, Compressed (Deflate). 14 frames, 26 fps (00:01). Ver15, AS1/AS2. Network access: Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: <METADATA> [find in archive]
>> Anon 70145 This is some low effort trash.
>> Anon 70146 >># so typical creambee work right?
>> ???? ???? 70152 This feels off
>> Anon 70154 >># >># >># It's a ripoff of his own earlier work.
>> Anon 70158 >># v1.0 is out.
>> ???? ???? 70173 >># Which one?
>> Anon 70178 So does this Creambee person ever finish their work? Seems like every game is left in an unfinished state. Of course why finish when people are pre-paying via Paytreon? Just take the fool's money and run I guess. I bet they are already working on another flash v.01
>> Anon 70179 >># This guy has finished most of the stuff he works on from what I've seen.
>> Anon 70186 >># >># >># creambee is one of the last good flash artists we've got left, don't you faggots push him to quit as well
>> Anon 70191 >># good? dude never finishes any of this flashes wtf you talking about, i don't care if he quits, dudes a total hack
>> Anon 70192 >># If he wants to quit because he got criticized, then let the thin-skinned faggot quit.
>> Anon 70196 >># >># yikes they'd rather have nothing at all apparently
>> Anon 70199 >># so you like half ass work, and guy taking money from paterons for it
>> Anon 70213 >># >good
>> Anon 70217 >># >># >># you're the type of person who doesn't realize what you had until it's gone. the one drilling holes in the flash ship but not understanding why it's sinking. first you'll complain at the quality of uploads. then the lack of uploads. then the repetitiveness of re-uploads. and when something new is actually created it's still not good enough. no positive comments, ever, only negative ones. why bother spreading encouragement? decent flashes get 0 replies, subpar ones 10+. finally when this place is a desert you grow bored and move on to something else to ruin.
>> Anon 70221 >># >people like what I don't like >people don't praise the flashes I like I get and agree with your point but everyone needs to decide for themselves what a "decent" or "subpar" flash is that deserves replies or not. also: number of replies have never been a consistent measurement for quality
>> Anon 70230 If we're taking a fucking survey, i think Creambee is excellent. It annoys me that he thinks futa is just shemales and that every cumshot is half-internal and half-shotgun spurts all over the body, but i like his stuff all the same.
>> Anon 70236 Every one of their flashes has unfinished tabs on them. Did they finish Sun Shine Gals? How about Princess Pipe Trapped? Lots of extra options that make a SFX when you touch them. Coming soon.. I wouldn't say these are trash, but low effort for sure.
>> Anon 70239 >># To be fair to Princes Pipe Trapped he could've just stopped at Peach but he's adding extra characters. As for Sun Shine Gal I think he got overambitious as you can tell by the awful framerate. I wish he'd just make more short animations so we could have a wider variety of girls. I'm also not a fan of the style he's chosen. Like those old Josie and the Pussycats animations are great in their cute cartoony style but all the new girls are slathered with so much makeup they look like bad cosplayers.
>> Anon 70248 I just think it's hilarious how this Paytrecuck shit turns into EA gaming Early Access. This feature - Coming soon. Buy the season pass on Paytreon lol. How about people complete their product. Then consumers purchase it when it's complete? Crazy idea huh? God forbid consumers get a good deal am I right? Then comparing the unemployed artists creating these to your average man in the workforce getting real shit done. You know. People who are actually paying taxes. Not everyone gets to dodge taxes with e-begging.
>> Anon 70260 >># Funny enough, even Paytreoncucks aren't exempt from paying taxes. Most of them don't take those as donations, but as payment (like a contract for services) with no other income. There has been some controversies over this where some e-whores from twitch got screwed over, because they obviously never payed any taxes. You can call shit upon a lot of people by giving the tax authorities a good hint.
>> Anon 70269 Pretty obvious why Paytreon is so popular for the beggars. Tax evasion. It's not income, they are gift donations after all. No other income? Yeah except the EBT card, and disability check from the last workplace con job. If you're ever worked anywhere you know what I'm talking about. That 1 in ten people who get hired, then proceed to milk disability for a phony claim. Just glad we have this site :) But at least they aren't Andrew Wilson.
>> Anon 70282 >># Even if you get disability bux, getting free donations still deduce from that money, so you would have to pay at least part of it back.
>> Anon 70286 Not if you don't claim the "gift" donations as a form of income. It's like those losers who play instruments outside a grocery store and expect a tip for being a public jester. Meanwhile a "We're Hiring" sign is on the grocery store. But fuck work am I right? Work is for the Paytrons.
>> Anon 70591 >># >1 in ten people who get hired, then proceed to milk disability for a phony claim sauce?
>> Anon 70593 Welfare queens were a myth invented to make you proud to be a cuck for your boss.
>> Anon 70602 >># Why? Wouldn't they rather make you jelous?
>> Anon 70642 1 in ten isn't accurate. In my country today it's more like 1 in five people are disability/welfare con artists. Just look at how many people in the US are online begging for money instead of looking for work. So many GoFundMe and charity scams these days it's hilarious.
>> Anon 70799 im in a flatline
>> Anon 70920 Only on this shitty site could people go from 'okay' reworks of hentai to arguing about welfare cheaters and imaginary statistics. Holy shit, you fucking idiots suck.
>> Anon 70927 >># you just described the entirety of the internet, congratulations
>> ???? ???? 70929 >># There are a lot more places than here that talk about that.
>> Anon 70931 >># and they're all retards
Created: 20/7 -2019 16:09:55 Last modified: 24/9 -2020 16:54:28 Server time: 14/11 -2024 22:55:53