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Threads (1):
/ > /fap/ > Thread 15205 Age: 101d Health: 0% Posters: 8 Posts: 13 Replies: 9 Files: 1+2 >> spyro hot dragon 70299 spyro big dragon just a macro dragon [IMG] fa81e86be111889bab74d53cf58bd603.swf (14.08 MiB) 960x540, Uncompressed. 1587 frames, 24 fps (01:06). Ver6, AS1/AS2. Network access: Text: Bitmaps: Audio: Yes. Video: Yes. [find in archive] >> Anon 70314 couldn't you have named this spyro big dragon.swf instead of a useless checksum? >> Anon 70319 couldn't you have just not uploaded this? >> Anon 70351 scared that he was going to fuck the bus for a second,crisis averted! >> Anon 70359 A part of me is compelled to ask : "Why?" But a much bigger part is utterly afraid of whatever the answer could be, so i'll just step back and ponder on the whereabouts of humanity on my own. >> Anon 70360 A tiny part of me is compelled to ask the question : "Why ?". And yet, a bigger part seems to be utterly afraid of whatever the answer could be. So here i am, stepping back into my corner, pondering on my own on the whereabouts of humanity. >> ???? ???? 70380 Shouldn't this be on /swf/? >> Anon 70387 Oh shit i have the hardest boner right now. lol Jk nope. How does one even get turned on by a giant dragon walkin around? >> Anon 70388 Sees a dragon walking around and crushing a bus = gets boner ??? Did you people like you get off to the godzilla movie? This content is not even /fap/ material. >> Anon 70391 >># >># >/fap/ - All flashes that are intended fapping material goes here. the movie was clearly created as fapping material. can't you see spyro's big schlong? if that wasn't there the argument could be made that this isn't intended fapping material but with a huge dragon boner it's hard to hide that this is in fact furry porn. >> Anon 70483 >># I've seen SFW shit like this without the dragon dong, giant characters farting, giant characters crushing things, giant characters just showing feet up close. And now you just add a big red rocket on to the model and expect it to be fap material? How much of a degenerate does one have to be to get turned on from looking at a giant animal walking around with a perma boner? >> Anon 70491 >># if you don't find it attractive it doesn't change the fact that it was clearly created as fapping material. also as you can see he gets the boner from spotting the bus, it's not there at the beginning, so it's not a perma boner. those girls farting on each other are also created as fapping material. don't ask me why it's a fetish. also most "fapping material" are just gateways into something more serious, i doubt anyone would actually get off to this spyro video (although who knows) >> Anon 70584 >># Just don't question the furry community. Gigantess and inflation porn is a real fetish. |