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File: Zelda BOTW2.swf-(230 KB, 702x992, Hentai) [_] OC Anon 3398059 Nothing to see here folks, just a fresh smut peddler testing the waters. Animation is freakin' hard by the way. Out of the blue, can anyone recommend any nsfw sound libraries? >> [_] Anon 3398061 What the fuck is this shit? >> [_] Anon 3398062 totally honest review: its not bad; but it isn't good. u should learn how to draw/sketch classically- like take a figure drawing class. if ur in a big city one shouldnt be hard to find. once you learn proper proportions it will make ur stuff look a lot better and animation will be inherently easier >> [_] Anon 3398063 >># Would it have helped if I put that 14 second meet and fuck music loop over it? >># Thanks anon, I'm actually enrolled in an art course come this winter. But for now I am just practicing on my own every day. But I'll get there! >> [_] Anon 3398075 keep drawing and posting anon >> [_] Anon 3398078 I came here to berate OP >> [_] Anon 3398089 >># also make some midnas thank you >> [_] Anon 3398095 looks great for someone new, I remember my first animations were fucking horrible, and compared to this, they are worse. Her reaction feels mechanic (I think that's the word), like pulling some wood doll's string or something. keep up the good job! >> [_] Anon 3398097 >># must not complain. must only be happy someone is still making flash porn. >># >Would it have helped if I put that 14 second meet and fuck music loop over it? unironically yes, i don't like mute flashes >> [_] Anon 3398098 >># broken site or do you need to sign up and log in? it has no clue what so ever what is actually on the site so how are people supposed to know why it's worthwhile signing up? even you don't tell us what the fuck it is. >> [_] Anon 3398102 >># 99% of media would benefit from the MnF music. >> [_] Anon 3398104 >># Practice everyday? how do you do it? I wish I had at least half of the drive you have; I'm barely able to open a paint program let alone draw something. >> [_] Anon 3398107 BRO THIS FUCKING SUCKS SORRY MAN I DIDN'T WANT TO HURT YOUR FEELINGS BUT I ALSO BELIEVE IT ISN'T HEALTHY TO LIE TO AN INSPIRING ARTIST LEST THEY BECOME COMPLACENT >> [_] Anon 3398108 >># I'm not giving you an art lesson because I'm not an artist, but I can give you some tips if you're interested in flash specifically. As you found out, frame by frame is time consuming. I suggest decompiling some flashes out there to see how they handle animation. Most of the time it's not frame by frame, but the drawing is broken up into assets that can be moved via a path and sometimes tweening. Break it into layers. Make her shirt its own layer and break her arms up by the joints. Think about every frame you just animated as a keyframe, and move the assets to that position per keyframe, then put frames in between them. Since the torso doesn't move much, you can probably get away with a large portion of the drawing just being one piece. Think about the whole torso from the neck to the belt, cut off the arms, and that's like a big chunk you don't have to mess with much. The heart can be a single asset that's resized and tweened, and you should be able to make a pretty smooth heartbeat animation that way. Actually now that I think about it, that sounds like a good simple thing to play with to get the hang of it. |