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This is resource F9JO70S, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:21/3 -2023 02:57:19

Ended:23/3 -2023 23:55:49

Checked:24/3 -2023 00:44:13

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 32.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Anthem Machine v1.1.swf-(9.95 MB, 1433x890, Loop)
[_] 4CC Smudgey !!xG6MTwbWN/j 03/20/23(Mon)21:50:40 No.3493442

  Hey everyone, cup season is coming up again. I just wanted to drop a quick thread to gauge
  interest and discuss if there was any suggestions for roster changes, new kits, or music that you
  want to see added to the team.
  Also as I mention every season, the management crew is in desperate need for fresh blood. The
  team is currently just myself and our resident aesthetics man Dadfish, so if you want to shoot
  tactics my way or give live-managing a try, hit me up on our discord server and we'll get you

  Discord server here:

  If you don't know what any of this shit is, check out:

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Smudgey !!xG6MTwbWN/j 03/20/23(Mon)21:50:55 No.3493443

  [Current Roster]
  Lord Fulp
  Gardevoir Paizuri
  Pepsi Man
  Billy Herrington
  Van Darkholme
  Xiao Mei Mei
  Daily Dose
  Party Hard
  High Tension Japanese Goburin
  Takeo Ischi
  Monday Approaches
  Integral Story Bro
  Heap Of Trouble
  Bourbon House

>> [_] /f/lagship 03/20/23(Mon)21:55:01 No.3493444


>> [_] Anonymous 03/20/23(Mon)21:58:23 No.3493445

  the very existence of this team brings me tremendous joy, keep it up champs

>> [_] Anonymous 03/20/23(Mon)22:39:19 No.3493446

  Hey lads, aesthetics monkey here. So an idea for a new player I was thinking we could do
  something for Resize the Flash since it should be your first move to find sauce on /f/. It would
  be a decent meta joke instead of just a popular flash and for a bit of a cup meta joke we could
  implement it by taking /co/'s Flash model and resizing it every match to make it
  huge/tiny/wide/tall whatever. If you're less familiar with the cup a lot of people consider this
  model 'cursed' since it was responsible for a number of memorable /co/ losses but if you're good
  with taking the piss when he inevitably fucks up for us I think it could be a fun player.
  Or if you'd prefer we stick to flashes we can do that too, I wouldn't mind a small roster shake
  up if we can come up with some good new reps. Any ideas for aesthetic shit are welcome, we're
  still early enough that almost anything can be added or changed at this point so throw the ideas
  in here if you've got em.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/21/23(Tue)00:43:09 No.3493449

  >anthem machine doesn't work
  I'd like /f/ management to consider this a vote against the team's existence

>> [_] Anonymous 03/21/23(Tue)00:52:02 No.3493450

  More of an indictment of /f/'s outdated Ruffle installation than anything else. The board's still
  here and is frankly an underappreciated cornerstone of cup culture so I'm more than happy to see
  the team show up in any tournament regardless of how far they go.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/21/23(Tue)01:00:12 No.3493451

  >Resize the Flash
  Worth doing especially since /co/ is also playing in Spring and there's a nonzero chance we'd
  wind up against them at some point as well.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/21/23(Tue)10:12:55 No.3493459

  Seems like the /vp/ one redirects to potato knishes

>> [_] Anonymous 03/21/23(Tue)10:14:02 No.3493460

  Should we sack our shitty outdated version of Ruffle and put our faith in Fulp?

>> [_] Smudgey !!xG6MTwbWN/j 03/21/23(Tue)12:44:45 No.3493463

  Thanks, I also noticed /toy/, /wg/, and /wsg/ have issues as well. Will get it fixed for next
  This is always an option, I've always felt conditions didn't matter for Goalkeepers anyway. We'd
  need to decide on a replacement player if we do decide to sack him though.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/21/23(Tue)13:53:50 No.3493464

  Dicewars rep when?

>> [_] Anonymous 03/21/23(Tue)17:28:12 No.3493468

  >Resize the Flash
  Go for it. We'll use it and prolapse /co/mblr.


>> [_] Anonymous 03/21/23(Tue)17:34:51 No.3493469

  >yewtube rip hardcore feelings in the master list

>> [_] Anonymous 03/21/23(Tue)19:26:13 No.3493471

  That's strange they're playing correctly on mine. I'm not sure what's going on there, are you
  clicking them immediately or after clicking other options?
  my bad I haven't worked on this in a while and forgot to upload it.
  Mega is a shit and nuked our music list, if anyone has a recommendation for a large file hosting
  service that won't do this that allows browser playback let me know. I'm dreading refixing that
  fucking list again only to have it nuked

>> [_] Smudgey !!xG6MTwbWN/j 03/21/23(Tue)19:33:24 No.3493472

  The music is fine, the hyper links for the Anthem Source for /toy/, /wg/, and /wsg/ lead to dead
  webpages, and /vp/'s incorrectly directs to Potato Knishes.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/21/23(Tue)19:45:08 No.3493474

  Fuck I hate the modern internet. The /vp/ one is on me though the rest I can't really help.
  I'll fix them at some point and we'll have a v1.2 then. Do we have room to use mtc.swf for any of
  the porn boards in any way? It seemed a crime that no one else used this song for anything.

>> [_] Smudgey !!xG6MTwbWN/j 03/21/23(Tue)19:59:26 No.3493475

  My memory is fuzzy on that one, but I believe a different team was using it for their own stuff.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/21/23(Tue)20:11:23 No.3493476

  I have in my head that at one point it was either a halftime show or a chant, but I don't think
  any team is (at least actively) using it for anthems/horns etc.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/21/23(Tue)21:17:34 No.3493477

  Only if the goalhorn is looped

>> [_] Anonymous 03/21/23(Tue)21:55:40 No.3493479

  I don't think I've ever seen "Hardest Game in the World.swf" posted. What about "Nazi Gold
  Mine.swf" instead for vs /pol/ anthems?
  And I would suggest "TheCutestQuietLoli.swf" for vs /co/ anthem.
  "whatcouldthisbeiwonder.swf" seems like it would fit a lot better for vs /cm/ anthem than any
  gachi. Gachi is not very /cm/.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/21/23(Tue)22:16:25 No.3493480

  Alfred (Alfer) for the roster?

>> [_] Smudgey !!xG6MTwbWN/j 03/21/23(Tue)22:45:59 No.3493481

  I actually think Nazi Gold Mine.swf would make for a better Goalhorn rather than Anthem, might be
  a cool idea.
  No to TheCutestQuietLoli.swf, as funny as it is, I don't follow the /b/ motto of ear raping the
  "Whatcouldthisbeiwonder.swf" is already the song we use for /cm/'s goalhorn.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/22/23(Wed)17:58:06 No.3493495

  Maybe some old nostalgia bait, like caipirinha, leekspin, fukkireta, etc.
  It would make goal horn selection easy.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/22/23(Wed)18:12:33 No.3493499

  I'm surprised you actually went with glorious morning as the /vst/ anthem.

>> [_] Smudgey !!xG6MTwbWN/j 03/22/23(Wed)20:58:54 No.3493503

  We only need to worry about goalhorns if we plan on replacing our strikers, which I don't imagine
  will be happening anytime soon.
  Why not? We only got a couple suggestions for /vst/ and Glorious Morning is a banger.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/23/23(Thu)02:40:15 No.3493511

  Im going to 2 buffets a day until Im big enough to be a goal keepr

>> [_] Anonymous 03/23/23(Thu)09:25:49 No.3493514

  This can't wait a month

>> [_] Anonymous 03/23/23(Thu)10:15:16 No.3493515

  BEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBE would make for a good chant

>> [_] Anonymous 03/23/23(Thu)12:39:08 No.3493516

  >Fulp apologism
  It's shit.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/23/23(Thu)17:37:11 No.3493523

  /pol/ should be 8_Steps or nazi_kitty
  /cm/ should be Baby_boy
  /h/ should be daily_dose
  /i/ should be entropy
  /S4S/ should be S4S
  where is /hm/ and should it be hey_dude?

  /a/ could be 4chan_shippuudenz even if its less memey it has a good intro beat
  /aco/ could be Boobrub
  /sci/ could be mandelzoom
  /x/ could be Boo Night Fever or Mystical-Alien /e/ could be rias
  /lgbt/ could be buttcircles
  /an/ could be catbox
  /gif/ could be colin_hd or cottoneyejoe
  /o/ could be cruising around
  /vg/ could be devil_trigger or jig or Tunnel Snakes Rule
  /diy/ could be DO IT-CON
  /bant/ could be DUBES or ----osaka or what_problems
  /y/ could be FuckSauce
  /jp/ could be hat or neonlum
  /f/ could be hy048 or original_file_name
  /tv/ could be Im Han Solo
  /b/ could be Successful Troll Is Successful
  /co/ could be this cant wait a month
  /d/ could be TSWFYU
  /int/ could be XIAO V VITAS
  Knockout Round could be TheEndApproaches

  Other bangers to consider
  lolicatgirls GOLD
  Make Hamburger Country

>> [_] Anonymous 03/23/23(Thu)18:44:37 No.3493524

  honestly just don't like that /b/ and /v/ have the same tune. I suggest /v/ gets Friday night
Created: 21/3 -2023 02:57:19 Last modified: 24/3 -2023 00:44:17 Server time: 03/01 -2025 05:25:04