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This is resource G35KK1H, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:17/8 -2022 13:49:21

Ended:19/8 -2022 21:51:06

Checked:20/8 -2022 08:15:39

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 12.
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File: ospittan.swf-(2.26 MB, 333x333, Japanese)
[_] Anonymous 08/17/22(Wed)07:47:50 No.3486741

  My computer is close to a decade old and is running W7. Looks like I am forced to change to some
  Linux distro since windows is fucking thrash when I get a new rig. Any recommendations?

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 08/17/22(Wed)08:14:39 No.3486744

  yeah my PC is almost 10 years old and was considering buying a new rig too because my GPU died,
  but fuck those new GPU prices and especially if win7 support is discontinued for the new HW and
  its functions
  so instead I just upgraded my CPU to Phenom X4 965 for 20 bucks (almost the best CPU for my poor
  old MoBo) and GPU to RX 470 4GB for about 100 bucks and I will ride that Win7 wave till my
  computer burns

>> [_] Anonymous 08/17/22(Wed)08:51:24 No.3486754

  Sounds like you're me.
  Man, I dread the day when I will have to pull out the linux bible, but it is inevitable.
  Windows is even trying to lock hardware to its OS, so you cannot even use it if you don't buy
  intel product X.
  Windows 11 even overwrites the right click menue, so you have to select advanced options every
  time unless you just right click to copypaste.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/17/22(Wed)10:09:32 No.3486760

  I knew I'd have to bite the bullet and learn linux when I saw the absolute state of Win10 so I
  threw a couple distros on a few shitty computers just lying around to gradually teach myself how
  to use it for when my 7 rig catches fire. Hopefully thats not any time soon but I'd recommend
  Mint or Debian if you're completely new to it, they are relatively user friendly and theres a
  good amount of documentation out there for both.
  Good luck

>> [_] Anonymous 08/17/22(Wed)12:02:22 No.3486768

  so what do you need to know about linux?
  from what I remember from school it has a different directory format but that's about it

>> [_] Anonymous 08/17/22(Wed)18:42:07 No.3486773

  Windows 10 LTSC really isn't so bad.
  Doesn't even have the "app store" installed.

  I've been using it for 4 years now and after every Windows Update (which happens less often on
  LTSC) I always check to see if the privacy settings are the same and they haven't changed from my
  configuration. So you just need to set things up once and after that you're good.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/18/22(Thu)13:30:42 No.3486794

  >Windows 10 LTSC
  Wow, that sounds like what windows 10 should be by default.
  But still, there is so much work to make it not a spyware hell.

  Look into win10 ameloriated version for a truly secure win10.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/18/22(Thu)17:15:40 No.3486799

  i assume you mean
  i picked LTSC because i was worried ameliorated would be too barebone, to such a point some games
  or software can't be run, or it having no working windows defender.

  LTSC is great but i don't think it would work as the default version since you get no new
  features. well, it would work but microsoft wants to be able to push out new features to regular
  people. for example windows 10 has received built-in support for AVIF images in explorer but my
  version of LTSC does not have it because it's a new feature. but the next time i reinstall
  windows i will get the newer LTSC release and then ill get that feature.

  i think corporate LTSC still have 10 years of support which means i can avoid windows 11 until at
  least 2031 (newest LTSC was released in 2021, hopefully they make another version next year or
  something before i feel the need to reinstall windows 10)

>> [_] Anonymous 08/18/22(Thu)18:25:49 No.3486800

  wow I like this flash a lot

>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/22(Fri)00:03:19 No.3486811

  no anon, we talk about windows in this thread!
  bad anon!

>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/22(Fri)13:08:44 No.3486822

  Yea, I just reinstalled 10, but Linux is getting better and better every year. I might end up
  having dual boot and just run windows when something can't run on Linux.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/19/22(Fri)15:44:17 No.3486825

  >Windows 10 LTSC really isn't so bad.
  Need to look at this possibility more
Created: 17/8 -2022 13:49:21 Last modified: 20/8 -2022 08:17:05 Server time: 21/09 -2024 01:06:09