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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

This is resource HDCH57L, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:19/6 -2022 05:12:07
2.7 years ago.

Ended:20/6 -2022 19:21:16
2.7 years ago.

Checked:21/6 -2022 04:10:47
2.7 years ago.

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 14.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: ciel dies mk2.swf-(165 KB, 550x400, Anime)
[_] Anonymous 06/18/22(Sat)23:09:04 No.3484273

  ciels winning nowadyas. pretty nuts

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 06/19/22(Sun)08:03:30 No.3484287

  alright, I lol'd

>> [_] Anonymous 06/19/22(Sun)11:40:57 No.3484298

  oh hey i recognize this on heyuri

>> [_] Anonymous 06/19/22(Sun)12:01:03 No.3484300

  does heyuri have a hidden flash board? I don't see it on the board listing.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/19/22(Sun)12:37:17 No.3484303

  >Liam nii-san

>> [_] Anonymous 06/19/22(Sun)13:08:51 No.3484308

  though I think you cannot post shit or at least nobody did for several months

>> [_] Anonymous 06/19/22(Sun)13:30:33 No.3484309

  That's funny, someone posted one of my own flashes (As Time Goes By).

  I just tried uploading a file there and it crapped out. I wonder why they disabled it.

>> [_] kaguya 06/19/22(Sun)14:54:07 No.3484311

  Heyuri's old flash board you viewed was bug ridden and didn't get much activity so it was
  disabled by its admin at the time, but I do plan on bringing it back once again
  I just need a PHP dev to work on it (or go as far as continuing to learn PHP myself) to make a
  /f/ board better than 4chan's, including ruffle support and option to disable it etc.
  Heyuri's userbase isn't as big as it used to be for now, but well interested in flash content,
  and there are users who even creates OC from time to time. Maybe some lurks here too, so hello if
  you are reading this
  I created a thread about bringing back /f/ on Heyuri recently where it got positive reception,
  but seems like noone archived it...

>> [_] John Moses Browning 06/19/22(Sun)18:04:37 No.3484322

  I wonder how many hidden flash boards exist we don't know about

>> [_] Anonymous 06/20/22(Mon)03:46:38 No.3484357

  over 9000 I bet

>> [_] Anonymous 06/20/22(Mon)03:54:14 No.3484358

  Maybe that's where the community is.
  Where da hood at

>> [_] Anonymous 06/20/22(Mon)06:47:01 No.3484360

  make redirect to >>>/f/
  no matter how many people you think you have that's interested in flash content it isn't enough
  to sustain a flash board, better to get them here where they have somewhat of an audience
  (replies are important to keep making stuff)

>> [_] Anonymous 06/20/22(Mon)11:38:50 No.3484364

  Swfchan is probably the best bet for organising but we are a bunch of timid spasticks who don't
  talk much anyway

>> [_] Anonymous 06/20/22(Mon)13:17:20 No.3484374

  I'd try asking some of the 22chan devs about it, I remember they had a flash board that worked
  pretty well.

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Created: 19/6 -2022 05:12:07 Last modified: 21/6 -2022 04:10:57 Server time: 14/03 -2025 20:48:21