Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2596 · P5191

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

This is resource PE7CNDB, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:28/4 -2022 10:26:41

Ended:19/1 -2023 20:08:08

Checked:19/1 -2023 20:58:35

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 18.
Discovered flash files: 1

/ > /fap/ > Thread 25505

Age: 259.43d   Health: 0%   Posters: 16   Posts: 18   Replies: 17   Files: 1+3

>> Ctrl-Z 28apr2022(th)10:23 No.89589 OP P1

Shadow Transformed for importing.

Import restriction removed and right click unblocked so you can do whatever the hell you want. This
is republishing done on a different computer so the fonts used for the original are missing. Its
been like 5 years so I don't know if anything is missing or broken.

Use the back option during the Ctrl-Z logo to get back to the debug menu. Lower the volume or be
quick with the music button if you plan to use the back option anywhere else.

[IMG] ST Unprotected.swf (29.13 MiB)
1024x768, Compressed (Deflate). 80 frames, 60 fps (00:01).
Ver14, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No. <METADATA>
[find in archive]

>> Anonymous 29apr2022(fr)01:51 No.89592 A P2R1

wasn't there an edit of this somewhat recently? nice work anyway tho

>> --- 29apr2022(fr)05:41 No.89594 B P3R2

99% anal
gay porn

>> Anonymous 29apr2022(fr)05:50 No.89595 C P4R3


>> Anonymous 29apr2022(fr)05:51 No.89596 D P5R4

nice to see you're not dead. thanks.

>> Anonymous 29apr2022(fr)23:00 No.89599 E P6R5

Thank you very much for this, great to see you're still around. By the way, what's the source for
the song you used in Zeena's scene? I've been trying to find it for a while now.

>> Ctrl-Z 30apr2022(sa)05:03 No.89603 OP P7R6

Been looking for it myself. Found it on Youtube years ago but cannot find it anymore. Think it went
by the name Hate Sex because thats what I named the sound file.

>> Anonymous 1may2022(su)00:43 No.89614 F P8R7

Dont know if you the real one but if so, good to see you back man, i love your stuff.

>> Anonymous 2may2022(mo)04:35 No.89640 G P9R8

welcome back my man! hope to see more of your amazing works!!!

>> Anonymous 4may2022(we)01:14 No.89658 H P10R9

I mean, if you used a projector, the original wasn't that protected anyway, but I appreciate this

Hope you come back one day. I miss your work.

>> Anonymous 20jun2022(mo)18:22 No.90988 I P11R10

thanks, youre a legend. hoping for a sequel one day as a longtime lurker

>> Anonymous 2aug2022(tu)20:17 No.91417 J P12R11

>Self insert
>Bimbo fetish
This is some strong Chris chan tier autism

>> Anonymous 6aug2022(sa)12:39 No.91466 K P13R12

To be fair, at least this is fappable and decently made, unlike anything Chris-chan ever did.

>> Anonymous 22aug2022(mo)06:51 No.91681 L P14R13

I like what you did, especially since the flash works much faster and smoother now. But is there a
way to remove the man moans from the flash?

>> Anonymous 22aug2022(mo)21:33 No.91687 J P15R14

>Self insert
>Literal Chris Chan tier big dick.

Autism and low standards are inexcusable.

>> Anonymous 11sep2022(su)03:34 No.91851 M P16R15

I used to fap to this all the time.
Thank you.

>> Anonymous 5oct2022(we)16:45 No.92016 N P17R16

Plans on removing Chris Hansen?

>> Anonymous 2jan2023(mo)04:14 No.93550 O P18R17

best game in this site
Created: 28/4 -2022 10:26:41 Last modified: 19/1 -2023 20:58:36 Server time: 03/01 -2025 07:01:14