File: sorrow has been postponed.swf-(8.81 MB, 1280x516, Loop)
[_] OC and a bit info inside Anonymous 09/25/22(Sun)10:50:22 No.3487969
I had to put it in flv becasue the gif is over 12 mb and when I put it in flash the frames get
fucked up and when I tried to fix it the output file was over 60MBs and dithered
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/22(Sun)12:45:40 No.3487971
this guy is good
I love beach loops and the music works well.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/26/22(Mon)00:51:57 No.3487995
very good OP, saved!
pretty long visuals, looks just fine as flv.
maybe it could have been embedded as a gif if you broke it apart and looped sections
individually, but that would have been a lot more trouble than what's worth since it looks just
fine as a flv.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/26/22(Mon)04:35:13 No.3487999
upon closer inspection the original is dithered as well
Usually when there's a gif with issues in layers I use gimp2 where there's an option to use
"cumulative layers (combine)" to fix it but it results with even more dithering and reduced to
256 colors that just looks rubbish
I also tried ffmpeg if that somehow could fix it but to no avail
and when I tried to put layers into individual files with photoshop after an hour it exported
only like 10 frames
also I'ts my fist time hearing about nitter, is that like twitter but you can actually say nigger
without being canceled in there?
I was thinking that too, that I would reuse the same frames but the gif has 600 frames and I
didn't even find a way to losslessly convert them to individual pictures
>> [_] Anonymous 09/26/22(Mon)05:54:44 No.3488000
Nitter is just a way to use Twitter without it asking you to log in to view anything.
The guy has a Patreon where for $10 you can get the source files to his stuff including the
Aseprite files. Not sure if anyone finds that price worth it for one flash though.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/26/22(Mon)09:30:35 No.3488004
>that I would reuse the same frames
i meant that you could have broken frames apart (cropped them) to create individual overlapping
loops, for example 1 left side sky, 2 left side ground, 3 middle with the girls, 4 right side
sky, 5 right side ground. when the boat comes youd swap out the static sky and so on. but like i
said it would take a lot more trouble than flv and not really worth the effort.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/27/22(Tue)02:48:42 No.3488020
>real flash instead of video
always worth the effort
>> [_] Anonymous 09/27/22(Tue)03:43:16 No.3488022
that's what I meant, making a collage of sorts but I can't get the frames itself unless I spent
like 2 hours ripping them manually
if you find a better way of doing it then please share it with me
>> [_] Anonymous 09/27/22(Tue)07:20:54 No.3488025
>Resize to the part that you want to cut
>Split gif into frames
>Recombine needed frames (you can leave out doubles as you can manually prolong them in flash)
The recombination is not really necessary as you can just import the images into flash. I just
find it to be much easier to manage files in windows as opposed to in the library of the flash.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/27/22(Tue)12:39:23 No.3488030
definitely easier to set everything up in windows explorer