/disc/ · /res/ — /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/ | P0001 · P2596 · P5191 |
This is resource WLEUK4E, an Archived Thread.
Original location: Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 13. Discovered flash files: 1 / > /fap/ > Thread 30037 Age: 278.01d Health: 0% Posters: 9 Posts: 13 Replies: 11 Files: 1+2 >> Anonymous 30mar2023(th)03:58 No.96226 OP P1 Eropharaoh Gardevoir - Frown Edit Some Edits * Makes gardevoir frown instead of smile * Removes eyelight [IMG] Gardevoir - Frown Edit.swf (11.19 MiB) 1280x720, Compressed (Deflate). 93 frames, 26 fps (00:04). Ver36, AS3. Network access: No. Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No. [find in archive] >> Anonymous 30mar2023(th)13:48 No.96227 A P2R1 Is he out of jail yet? >> Anonymous 30mar2023(th)21:56 No.96228 B P3R2 >>96227 I remember hearing he was. >> Anonymous 31mar2023(fr)03:44 No.96230 C P4R3 he hasn't updated any of his feeds yet if he is (unless he has within the last week or so since i checked) I hope he's doing okay >> Anonymous 4apr2023(tu)19:41 No.96262 D P5R4 >>96230 Man, what did he even do to deserve this?` I bet if it had to do with his work, we won't ever get to see his mug around these parts no more. >> Anonymous 7apr2023(fr)01:32 No.96278 E P6R5 it looks so scuffed >> Anonymous 7apr2023(fr)15:31 No.96288 A P7R6 >>96262 He has said that he was making comics and stuff in prison, so it's not like he's stopped making anything altogether. Supposedly a bunch of MHA stuff. >> Anonymous 9apr2023(su)13:58 No.96301 F P8R7 >>96288 The darkest timeline. >> Anonymous 2jul2023(su)01:01 No.98104 G P9R8 FUCK OFF BITCHES AND FUCK GOOGLE+, FUCK YOUTUBE, FUCK NEWGROUNDS, FUCK FACEBOOK, FUCK HOUSTON AND TEXAS, FUCK SOUTH FLORIDA, FUCK WALMART, FUCK PCH, FUCK PUBLIC SCHOOL, FUCK YOUTUBE TROLLERS AND CYBERBULLIES, FUCK CHILD RAGERS AND TOXIC PEOPLE, FUCK EVERYTHING, AND FUCK EVERYBODY, FINALLY THAT GOOGLE PLUS IS FUCKING GONE, FUCK FLASH COMMUNITY, SO FUCK OFF YOU HATERS AND SOME OF THAT TOO!!!! 🖕🖕🖕🖕 >> Anonymous 2jul2023(su)01:02 No.98105 G P10 FUCK OFF BITCHES AND FUCK GOOGLE+, FUCK YOUTUBE, FUCK NEWGROUNDS, FUCK FACEBOOK, FUCK HOUSTON AND TEXAS, FUCK SOUTH FLORIDA, FUCK WALMART, FUCK PCH, FUCK PUBLIC SCHOOL, FUCK YOUTUBE TROLLERS AND CYBERBULLIES, FUCK CHILD RAGERS AND TOXIC PEOPLE, FUCK EVERYTHING, AND FUCK EVERYBODY, FINALLY THAT GOOGLE PLUS IS FUCKING GONE, FUCK FLASH COMMUNITY, FUCK ALL COMMUNITY SITES, SO FUCK OFF YOU HATERS AND SOME OF THAT TOO!!!! 🖕🖕🖕🖕 >> Anonymous 3jul2023(mo)19:32 No.98118 F P11R9 >>98105 lolwat >> Anonymous 4jul2023(tu)01:06 No.98120 H P12R10 What about an edit of the Ty Lee flash with larger breasts? Or you could just do this one with larger breasts, either one's fine. >> Anonymous 6jul2023(th)11:52 No.98126 E P13R11 >>98104 >>98105 Man , last I saw your types were back in 2008. From what dino amber did you emerge from? |