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This is resource XFY1P9B, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:22/9 -2022 02:25:47

Ended:19/2 -2023 03:10:26

Checked:19/2 -2023 03:21:01

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 12.
Discovered flash files: 1


/ > /fap/ > Thread 27250

Age: 143.03d   Health: 0%   Posters: 8   Posts: 12   Replies: 8   Files: 2+3

>> iEditWTDinner 22sep2022(th)02:20 No.91910 OP P1

SWF-Tan by W.T.Dinner

An edit of the SWF-Tan flash by W.T.Dinner that removes her dress.

[IMG] NoBlue.swf (1.18 MiB)
1100x750, Compressed (Deflate). 1 frame, 34 fps (00:00).
Ver15, AS3. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No. <METADATA>
[find in archive]

>> Anonymous 24sep2022(sa)21:12 No.91930 A P2R1

nipples look a little bit glued on, don't they?

>> Anonymous 25sep2022(su)04:44 No.91933 B P3R2

I dont think the nipples where under the dress at all

>> Anonymous 25sep2022(su)19:53 No.91936 C P4R3

i dig edits that are more than just people crying that the penis isn't #FFFFFF shades of white so
thanks for these, I hope you do more

>> Anonymous 26sep2022(mo)17:55 No.91946 D P5R4

Yeah. Looks like OP added them.
Pretty nice, even if he didn't quite get it 100% right.
Also, OP you missed the blue things behind her back. The laces of her dress or whatever.
With option to remove dress, the Sowfy flash is probably the very best DinDin created yet.

>> iEditWTDinner 29sep2022(th)22:23 No.91958 E P6R5


Yeah I'm not an artist lol. I'll maybe make a version 2 if I ever get a chance.

>> Anonymous 1oct2022(sa)00:04 No.91968 F P7R6

I don't think the nipples were added. There was a secret in the original post that had her dress
come off if you came like 10 times or something. So if they're just from that they are not added.
Maybe the author can confirm

>> Anonymous 1oct2022(sa)18:32 No.91969 G P8R7

i think you're mistaken. looking at the source of the original, i don't see anything that looks
like nipples.

>> Anonymous 1oct2022(sa)18:33 No.91970 G P9

i think you're mistaken. looking at the source of the original, i don't see anything that looks
like nipples. also, using cheat engine @ 5x speed having cum at least 10 times. the shirt remains.

my question, how do i get to the prone boning?


>> Anonymous 1oct2022(sa)19:04 No.91971 G P10

found it by searching the original. click 'porn' to get the prone bone. also, there is another
topless version with different nipples → SWF-tan(topless-loli).swf

>> Anonymous 2oct2022(su)19:23 No.91986 D P11R8

yeah, that was just a troll "easteregg"
people went crazy on the strange easteregg conspiracies around that point
as far as memory doesn't deceive me though, there was one where you just switched scenes wildly and
swftan would freeze

>> Anonymous 2oct2022(su)19:24 No.91987 D P12

>not freeze
much rather crash, sorry
Created: 22/9 -2022 02:25:47 Last modified: 19/2 -2023 03:22:26 Server time: 16/09 -2024 18:50:23