File: bang.swf-(142 KB, 480x240, Game)
[_] Anonymous 02/12/23(Sun)11:18:16 No.3492448
kill me some good ones
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/23(Sun)12:20:13 No.3492450
>You have killed Kaster Lilah Sanchez, a 12-year old structural engineers from York, PA.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/13/23(Mon)12:44:03 No.3492481
>You have killed Gaynor Cherilynn Shan, a 75-year old hitman from Waterbury, CT.
>You have killed Catrina Mabes, a 14-year old party-leader from Goldsboro, NC. She will be
succeeded by her beautiful husband, Kingsly. She was a member of Campus Antiwar Network.
>You have killed Miss Luise Taylor-Hudson, a 18-year old ophthalmologist from Gastonia, NC. She
was a member of International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender & Intersex Law Association.
>You have killed Candi Stormy Alford, a 14-year old ironmaster from Cambridge, MA. She was a
member of A.N.S.W.E.R. and Survivors of Incest Anonymous. She was about to get a promotion at her
>You have killed Sherman Elvin Gutierrez, a 70-year old prostitute from Kent, OH. He will be
succeeded by his caring wife, Adah.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/13/23(Mon)15:46:00 No.3492484
>You have killed Hamlin Orson Fann, a 85-year old négociant from Lynn, MA. You did him a favor.
He was going to commit suicide when he got home anyway.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/13/23(Mon)17:55:41 No.3492488
humans are all killers its just the morden one were taught to see it as bad , "killing is bad "
is the smae words lefties use to control people , saying that all killing is bad leaving no
thought for the human to decide for himself to kill or not
>> [_] Anonymous 02/13/23(Mon)17:59:53 No.3492489
> you killed newal a still unmarried 25 year old bitch that tried to poison her brother
>> [_] Anonymous 02/13/23(Mon)18:20:09 No.3492490
Ow the Edge
>> [_] Anonymous 02/13/23(Mon)18:26:03 No.3492491
>> [_] Anonymous 02/13/23(Mon)18:58:25 No.3492492
Thou Shalt Not Kill is a very very old rule.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/13/23(Mon)19:22:59 No.3492494
I am going to give the original poster the benefit of the doubt and not make the assumption I
believe you guys did. I don't think he is pro-murder. He was just blunt with his explanation that
there are justifications for killing people. The examples I would use would be: Self-Defense,
Kidnapping, and Death penalty.
>humans are all killers
I agree with this in the sense that all men aged 18 - 40 (I don't care to google the exact
numbers) in the US are in the Militia and draft-able to be soldiers. Are all men in that range
able to shoot a gun or stand up for longer than ten minutes? Not in the US, but They should be
physically strong and able to protect their family at least. If their daughter is being kidnapped
a man should be physically able to kill the kidnapper.
TL;DR You are faggots who completely misunderstood the post.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/13/23(Mon)20:37:31 No.3492498
>humans are all killers
>I agree with this
Have you killed anyone? I sure haven't, and I hopefully never will.
And also he's not saying that, he's saying it's fine to murder because "the lefties" don't like
>> [_] Anonymous 02/13/23(Mon)20:46:52 No.3492501
"I have spent roughly the last 40 years of my life working with the most violent of people our
society produces: murderers, rapists and so on. In an attempt to understand what causes this
violence. I discovered that the most violent of the criminals in our prisons had themselves been
victims of a degree of child abuse that was beyond the scale of what I ever thought of applying
the term child abuse to. I had no idea of the depth of the depravity with which children in our
society are all too often treated. The most violent people I saw were themselves the survivors of
their own attempted murder often at the hands of their parents or other people in their social
environment or were the survivors of family members who had been killed their closest family
members, by other people." ~James Gilligan
>> [_] Anonymous 02/13/23(Mon)21:11:50 No.3492504
>>>humans are all killers
>>I agree with this
i never said this. You have invented a new argument with yourself.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/14/23(Tue)00:18:56 No.3492508
>i never said this
>> [_] Anonymous 02/14/23(Tue)03:43:07 No.3492513
>Why are you doing this? You aren't getting any points. You won't level up if you kill a certain
amount of people. They won't hurt you.
>You know, Isaak McCall liked video games. Before you killed him, that is.
>Eddie Carlton Regimbald might be in Heaven. Or Hell. We don't know. But we do know where his
body is. In front of you. Dead.
>Have you seen a doctor lately? Your thirst for blood might be a symptom of a serious mental
>> [_] Anonymous 02/14/23(Tue)04:58:52 No.3492517
how about you explain yourself and how you lack reading comprehension.
TL;DR You are a faggot who completely misunderstood my post.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/14/23(Tue)05:35:40 No.3492519
your anger at a simple post is alarming. please don't kill any one today.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/14/23(Tue)06:16:59 No.3492521
> "killing is bad " is the smae words lefties use to control people , saying that all killing is
bad leaving no thought for the human to decide for himself to kill or not
bro the fuck is wrong with you am right , its your decision to kill or not your call if killing
is too much of a panchemant because your human truct yourself having a gun wont make you evil.
if someone kill your kids or a gril cheated on will you not beat them to death for the fucking
crime of messing with you , this is how human work we make taboos so we live peacefully " fire
hurt so don't touch the fire , the first taboo babies learn "
>> [_] Anonymous 02/14/23(Tue)06:41:46 No.3492522
some killers are just edgy kids , someone hurt their feelings so they kill , but am just normal
am just not a sheep , killing is hard the same as fighting is hard for coward its impossible
the lefties use shock to control people you dumbass with words like " toxic masculinity " to call
a normal human want for revenge , killing is easy dont lie you can do it to
>> [_] Anonymous 02/14/23(Tue)07:35:58 No.3492523
What am I angry at? Who do you think I will kill?
>> [_] I regret defending retard. 02/14/23(Tue)07:41:07 No.3492524
I hope you are not the original post I responded to and defended, because you are retarded.