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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

This is resource XKBGF5V, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:10/11 -2022 23:54:25

Ended:11/11 -2022 12:40:07

Checked:14/11 -2022 08:46:25

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 9.
Discovered flash files: 1


File: NUACTRIS.swf-(7.25 MB, 400x433, Game)
[_] Anonymous 11/10/22(Thu)17:47:50 No.3489526

  Where do you post flash games for feedback? Newgrounds isn't what it used to be.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/10/22(Thu)18:02:58 No.3489527

  I got 2800 before I ran out of time?
  who the hell puts a time limit on tetris?
  also there is a visual bug where I can see a dotted outline of L pieces when I rotate them

>> [_] Anonymous 11/10/22(Thu)18:08:09 No.3489528

  o um....

  the dotted line thing is a 'feature'; the dotted piece needs to be clear of stacked pieces so it
  can rotate.


  o uhh...
  "levels" mightve been a dumb idea after all idk.

  I know its silly cuz most people play marathon and pick between 4 versions of music, but I wanted
  to feature "all the music" in different levels.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/10/22(Thu)18:14:53 No.3489529

  >the dotted piece needs to be clear of stacked pieces so it can rotate
  I don't understand, it only happens with an L piece tho and every time it happens it also plays
  the rotating sound effect twice

>> [_] Anonymous 11/10/22(Thu)18:23:11 No.3489530

  the dotted piece is a ghost piece; if its next to another piece, or the edge of the board, it
  wont rotate, then it appears, to show why it will not rotate.

  You're right though it seems to be happening with the L piece all the time, I will fix that, ty.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/11/22(Fri)02:58:48 No.3489547

  >Where do you post flash games for feedback? Newgrounds isn't what it used to be.
  Flash is a niche now so you should go post in multiple small flash communities (usually *chans)
  I know of 4chan/f/ (here), 22chan if it ever comes back, Heyuri, 3chan

>> [_] Anonymous 11/11/22(Fri)03:00:00 No.3489548

  yea for sure, it honestly sucks that it is though nowadays

>> [_] Anonymous 11/11/22(Fri)04:15:46 No.3489549

  I've been back on newgrounds recently and every game is pretty much unity and not flash :(

>> [_] Anonymous 11/11/22(Fri)06:39:07 No.3489551

  That sure sucks, flashes have their own unique feel to them and writing "good flash" is in a way
  an artform.

  Newgrounds has a system for removing subpar content, but modern game engines exporting seamlessly
  to web has made judging authors' skill more difficult as a whole. Anyone can import a library,
  tick a few boxes and have their dime in a dozen turd of a game pass the judgement system. No
  design, programming skill or any kind of effort required.

  In the 2010s I though it sucked when systems like Flixel were starting to pop up. But now the
  passing standard is at all time low. The ease of access contributes to pollution of low effort
  braindead garbage games (look what Steam turned into when they started allowing anyone to
  publish) and an average eleven-year old dungbrain getting away with calling themselves a "dev".
Created: 10/11 -2022 23:54:25 Last modified: 14/11 -2022 08:53:31 Server time: 10/06 -2024 15:42:00