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Threads (2):
/ > /fap/ > Thread 15766 Age: 84.85d Health: 35.85% Posters: 20 Posts: 29 Replies: 25 Files: 1+3 >> Anon 71635 super smash a pokegirl melee from /f/ [IMG] super_smash_a_pokegirl_melee_ver_0.1.swf (3.46 MiB) 700x550, Compressed (Deflate). 203 frames, 12 fps (00:17). Ver15, AS3. Network access: Text: Bitmaps: Audio: Yes. Video: <METADATA> [find in archive] >> Anon 71636 Thanks >> Anon 71637 Some secret scene yet? >> Anon 71639 Oh great... More of this trash... As if the landwhale and that other MS Paint user weren't bad enough, this trash is still filling up space on the internet. >> Anon 71640 The preview pic reminds me of that one bombchu shop girl image, where in the artist regrets everything. >> Anon 71641 >># Cry more faggot. >> Anon 71642 >># fuck off fag >> Anon 71652 >># >filling up space on the internet it's a series of tubes >> Anon 71653 So is this going to have the same girls as last time? >> ???? ???? 71654 >># >># That is bait >> Anon 71658 >># What's the matter? Did Newgrounds ban you for saying naughty words in defense of girl gamers? >> Niggerfaggot 71663 Hey that's pretty good! Reminds me of that Burrito dudes artwork. >> Anon 71664 Looks good >> Anon 71665 >># The internet is not a big truck. >> Anon 71666 Holy shit there's more. I thought he was dead. >> Anon 71671 aye din din is back. >> Anon 71672 >># I got no idea who you talkin about. The only piece of shit landwhale I recognize is momokun. So which landwhale and which MS Paint user are you referring to? >> Anon 71673 >># Why are you replying to some shitty troll? >> Anon 71676 >># I think he means that Peachy-something chick and the dude from those Pussymon games. >> Anon 71677 >># Who are you? The web police? Let'em do as he pleases. Besides, it's just a shot in the foot of the troll. Any reply makes this thread go back up, since barely anything is posted to /fap/ anymore. >> Anon 71678 >># To be fair, besides it being a series of tubes, this stuff is stored somewhere eventually. There's a limited space and we're kinda running out, ever so slowly. >> Anon 71682 we need more what ever >> Anon 71683 >># The only think we're running out of space for is servers and cords, and we'll have mainframe skyscraper cities before we hit the absolute limit. >> Anon 71685 >># What the fucl? Then why are you complaining about "space"? Are you having an existential crisis or something? >> Anon 71687 >># I can't find a single IRL picture of peachypop34. >> Anon 71704 kinda wish we could see dawn's face at the end after it fades out. maybe an option? >> Anon 71717 >># There's more storage created each day than used up. >> Anon 71779 >># shut up, this is good >> Anon 71817 >># Sorry my dude, you got the wrong thread. Unfortunately not every h flash posted here is supposed to be instantly bashed into the ground without looking at it first. Only, you know, the bad ones. >># >># >># TALK ABOUT THE CONSUMERS? TALK ABOUT THE PROVIDERS! THE WORLD WIDE WEB
File: super_smash_a_pokegirl_melee_ver_0.1.swf -(3.46 MB, 700x550, Hentai) [_] Pokegirl 2 W.T.Dinner !LTqeha3bQk 3404548 It's that time of the year again.Taking suggestions. If I like em or everyone else keeps asking for it then I'll give it a shot. >> [_] Anon 3404552 wouldn't hate more Omeger Rubyer scenes >> [_] Anon 3404557 What's that music on the first one? I know it! I know it from somewhere! God dammit, it's Kare Kano. Fuck. I watched this FIFTEEN FUCKING YEARS AGO! And it still struck me! >> [_] Anon 3404566 someone make deniggered >> [_] Anon 3404567 Oh how about the Lady or Battle Girl trainers from gen III? >> [_] Anon 3404568 >># nice work, never stop!! >> [_] Anon 3404571 putting that calarts degree to good use i see. >> [_] Anon 3404573 Jasmine sitting on a Magnemite >> [_] Anon 3404581 >># White Booty shorts buttsecks >> [_] Anon 3404582 >># nice >> [_] Anon 3404583 I think the individual loops should be about a second longer in the May one since the current speed makes them a little hard to "appreciate", but otherwise good job so far >> [_] W.T.Dinner !LTqeha3bQk 3404586 >># Yeah I figured. I'll make em a bit longer then. >> [_] Anon 3404590 Since it’s not limited to characters you haven’t done, I require more Roxie Also maybe somebody else from Gen 6, like Viola or Valerie or the Team Flare Scientists >> [_] Anon 3404591 Zinnia anal or futaxfemale with any of the furisode girls >> [_] Anon 3404593 thanks for your work, I enjoy what you do >> [_] Anon 3404595 >># was the other one abandoned? >> [_] Anon 3404596 >># https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ng8BclGt icw >> [_] Anon 3404597 Oh boy you're back. I was really wondering if we'd get a special edition of the original flash on the occasion of the Sword/Shield release. As always I am here to shill for best girl Hilda. She had the best scene in the original and I'm hoping she does here too. >> [_] W.T.Dinner !LTqeha3bQk 3404600 >># The other one is finished dude. I stopped uploading it here because of the file limit and updated it on swfchan. https://h-flash.com/super-smash-a-pokegi rl/ >># I thought about it! But then I realized how much I was disappointed with Sword n Shield that I didn't bother going the extra mile to make the already huge file even bigger. So It's not in the compilation. https://h-flash.com/wtdinner-minge/ >># Appreciate it anon. >> [_] W.T.Dinner !LTqeha3bQk 3404601 >># I would like to make more Roxie but only if everyone else does lol >># They're love letters to Mattyburrito and linzb0t sooo yeah they have a very distinct sausage limbed style. >># It's good to see Kare Kano hasn't been forgotten. >> [_] Anon 3404602 W.T., you made that Colosseum flash too right? Will that project re-emerge in one of these compilation works? Let's see, Jesse having fun in a pit trap or maybe undercover fun in a two-man costume (a rock?), Joy mostly stoically working while receiving some under-the-counter service, Jenny chasing criminals and getting stuck and played with in various ways through the city. I tried to think of a Pokemon Channel one but nothing's clicking. In any case, love your work! Especially the Misty one. >> [_] W.T.Dinner !LTqeha3bQk 3404606 >># Not really. If I do end up updating it then I'd just update it separately. If I do a Rui one for this then I'll just start over fresh. >> [_] Anon 3404613 Please make option to click on poke-flute while it's inside to play songs >> [_] Anon 3404619 >># Oh man, I was just thinking about if you had still been making art/flashes the other day. Good to see that you're still at it. Do you have a main website where you upload your work? >> [_] Anon 3404627 >># You made me fall in love with my childhood Leaf/Green all over again. Do you do commissions? >> [_] Anon 3404630 Thanks for making more SSaP But if the guy is blocking so much that you have to make him transparent, why bother drawing him at all? Could draw more girls instead. Rather have her jiggling breasts than jiggling ballsacks. >> [_] Anon 3404631 I think one with elesa and/or skyla would be cool. |