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Threads (2):
/ > /fap/ > Thread 15774 Age: 80.47d Health: 45.85% Posters: 24 Posts: 30 Replies: 28 Files: 1+3 >> DinDin<3!96.E5MJGcE 71692 Melee Hi! I didn't forget about you guys, honest. Also, taking suggestions. [IMG] super_smash_a_pokegirl_melee_ver_0.2.swf (4.87 MiB) 700x550, Compressed (Deflate). 301 frames, 12 fps (00:25). Ver15, AS3. Network access: Text: Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: <METADATA> [find in archive] >> Anon 71693 Do you have a website or page for contact? >> Anon 71695 Could we get a Sabrina x Hypno? >> Niggfaggot 71696 Maybe something Cynthia tittyfuck-related? >> Anon 71697 lmao the excavation minigame >> Anon 71698 ANyone find any secrets >> Anon 71701 >># I support this >> Anon 71702 could we get Cynthia anal? >> Anon 71703 >># anal is gay >> Anon 71705 >># ok then cut a hole in her and fuck her guts instead, problem solved >> Anon 71706 Dawn looks phenomenal. More of her please. Besides that maybe Hilda? >> Anon 71707 >># Then I guess I'm a big faggot then. Like I give a fuck either way. >> DinDin<3!96.E5MJGcE 71710 >># Yes, here. lol I don't bother with social media. (Because I don't have any friends) What did you want to talk about? >># >># I'd like to try doing Sabrina again too. >># There's a minigame where you take a big fat ogre shit on Lucas when you click on Dawn's nose. Trust me, dude. >># >># Cynthia's pretty cool. If I draw her in her official art then her tits will be small. Just a heads up. Speaking of which. I hope you guys don't mind me alternating artstyles all the time. They way I draw Leaf is my natural style while Dawn is sugimori's official art. >># gaynal >> Anon 71711 Is there any chance of having the Dawn scene without black sillouette? Its funny but its one of your better animations and its a bit heartbreaking to see the climax covered :< Still, great job, brings me a tear of joy everytime you deliver >> Anon 71712 Yeah I'd also like to see something anal. I like it regardless, you're really good at what you do! >> Niggfaggot 71713 >># Its all good mate. Variety is the spice of life or someshit. Keep up the good work. >> Anon 71714 >Nigger in thumbnail No thanks >> Anon 71722 >># Please! If you're putting Hypno into the flash, to insinuate that hypnosis may not or may have been effective; show that his pendulum have been tossed to the side like a condom or something uwu >> Anon 71723 Hey! You're doing another one! Thanks mate, your flashes are excellent. >> Anon 71733 >># >"What did you want to talk about?" Was thinking of tossing some stuff your way for more of what I like. But it's fine since she's already got her spotlight. >> DinDin<3!96.E5MJGcE 71739 I wanna try if I can squeeze the Rui one I didn't finish into this one somewhere. It's kinda awkward as its own standalone flash. >># But covering it up makes it SEXIER >># You guys want anal? You got it. >># hwat >># Okay. Well, glad you're happy. I don't take requests anymore unfortunately so sorry dude. I'll be happy to take feedback and suggestions for this one though. >> Anon 71740 >># Any possibility we could get Hilda anal? >> Anon 71741 >># can you make the ending of dawn's scene progress a little slower? maybe make it so you have to click for every hammer swing? >> Anon 71787 Any chance of you doing something with Iris this go around? Also are you gonna do a climax option for Leaf? Love your work, keep up the good sauce my dude. >> Anon 71798 good shit keep it up >> Anon 71802 >># your emulation of sugimori's style on dawn is fuckin awesome just saying >> Anon 71811 >># clicked nose, nothing happened. I assume you trolling me. >> Anon 71816 Why did that dawn sex scene give me such nostalgia >> Anon 72495 >># Do you plan on doing any of the new pokemon characters? (pokemon sun & moon and pokemon sword & shield)? >> Anon 72527 >># Do you have a cuck fetish? Why did you cuck gold in the omega ruby parody?
File: super_smash_a_pokegirl_melee_ver_0.2.swf -(4.86 MB, 700x550, Hentai) [_] Pokegirl 2 W.T.Dinner !LTqeha3bQk 3404894 Added Dawn and finished Leaf. Still taking suggestions. If you're wondering, no they don't have to be the same girls as the previous one. >> [_] Anon 3404895 Using a hammer so many times without the tunnel collapsing >> [_] Anon 3404896 very nice >> [_] Anon 3404898 How about Flannery? >> [_] Anon 3404901 >># Maylene or Candice? >> [_] Anon 3404903 >># Gardenia please >> [_] Anon 3404904 I'm honestly more curious as to what classic flash you'll sneak in this time, bourbon house is gonna be pretty hard to top that aside classic sabrina's always appreciated >> [_] Anon 3404905 Something nice with Bianca please. It's honestly depressing how neglected she is in Doujin too. >> [_] Anon 3404909 A yuri scene with Erika would be pretty great >> [_] Anon 3404910 >># Could you do Marley, please? Hard to go wrong with a girl in a gothic dress. >> [_] Anon 3404911 >># It's looking great so far! You got a laugh out of me with the pokeflute scene. >> [_] Anon 3404913 >># >toot toot lost it >> [_] Anon 3404914 >># thanks for the pokemon diamond ds feels as for suggestion how about the girl from the original pokemon ranger, I believe the last boss (or a special mission) was a deoxys so she could mess up maybe and be caught by herself and then a tentacle scene or something >> [_] Anon 3404915 really like the hikari one >> [_] Anon 3404917 >># great work m9, can i get the song from the haruka one please? >> [_] Anon 3404939 >># there is also an episode with the ranger girl and deoxys in the series >> [_] W.T.Dinner !LTqeha3bQk 3404941 I appreciate all the love~ >># She's real popular. I can try Sabrina again. Give me good situations to put her in. I was thinking maybe something involving Pokéstar Studios. Anons really like the Hypno thing too. >># Which Bianca we talking? >># >># Gen 4 girls get the short end of the stick so maybe. >># She has no rule34 so could be cool too. Right now I'm working on a Elesa suggestion from last thread. I got. A funny idea. Also, don't let the smaller slots fool you. I'll probably make more room if I run out. Dunno yet. >> [_] Anon 3404948 Can you actually make your buttons visible and work properly? Fucking asshole. >> [_] Anon 3404966 I remember seeing an old flash with flannery getting dicked by a futa hilda and her ditto, i think a futa/yuri scene with flannery would be dope >> [_] Anon 3404969 kino >> [_] Anon 3404976 >># Black and White Bianca. |