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Threads (2):
/ > /fap/ > Thread 22384 Age: 211.82d Health: 0% Posters: 24 Posts: 34 Replies: 32 Files: 1+2 >> Anon 84756 Sorry to repost this version with shitty audio, just wanted to spread the word thaHE ACTUALLY FUCKING FINISHED IT AAAAAAAAA: 88940 MINUS8 YOU GLORIOUS MOTHERFUCKER No .swf yet though. [IMG] minus8_parodius.swf (20.44 MiB) 640x480, Uncompressed. 2550 frames, 24 fps (01:46). Ver9, AS3. Network access: Text: Bitmaps: Audio: Yes. Video: Yes. [find in archive] >> Anon 84757 oh shit, that's great news. was afraid he wouldn't do it because he got sad when someone spread the prototype. i'm a little worried he won't release a swf version because of the video stuff he put in the background of the animation. >> Anon 84758 Need the swf for this one urgently, where does he usually post swfs? Also fuck Newgrounds for turning into Youtube. >> Anon 84760 >># >where does he usually post swfs? No idea. Keep an eye on the unofficial twitter, it could get posted there sooner or later: >> Anon 84761 Would you look at that. I thought he would never finished it. >> Anon 84762 I didn't know Minus 8 was in the alt-right. >> Anon 84763 >># Why do you leftie wankers always do this? It's all black and white bullshit with you fucking racists. >hurr durr >-8 did an animation >he must be hitler now because reasons >> Anon 84769 Huh, there wasn't a lot more he did at the end. These prerelease leaks really were a majority of the animation already some years ago. Also the video ends kinda abruptly for -8 standards. Somebody gotta get that swf and make a decent loop. >> Anon 84794 >># if we get the swf, it will probably be a good loop. >> Anon 84805 >># Here's a mirror since NG is down right now: 65789086396419 >> Anon 84806 >># >Does blatantly racist shit >Upset when someone calls him a racist Are you retarded, anon? >> Anon 84807 >># >talking shit about an h-artist based on gossip and slander You are not welcome here, go back from whatever place you kind comes from. >> Anon 84808 >># Well, I mean, the song is quite racist >> ???? ???? 84809 Hopefully he remain active on newgrounds for a while. I really don't want him to go nuclear again. >> Anon 84810 >># because they need some target to cover thier racists. >> Anon 84811 >># >># >># >># >># >># I'm pretty sure he didn't put that song in there himself, guys. In fact I'm certain he's not even the one who converted the leaked video into a flash file in the first place. >> Anon 84812 No shit. >> Anon 84829 >># >># >># >># >># >># >># wait wtf? how is he racist? whats racist about the song? >> --- 84890 /1631000/ 4?1618487715 >> DinDin<3!tr.t4dJfuU 84895 Cute! How he can manage so many moving parts like that is beyond me. And the cum is great. I never know how minus and zone manage to make cum look so good in their stuff. >> Anon 84896 >># >720p /1631000/1631229_alternate_130561.1080p.m p4?1618487715 >> Anon 84909 >># They know their stuff. >> Anon 84910 >># you could watch minus' stream. perhaps that will give you a clue. ;) >> Anon 84912 HOLY SHIT! >> Anon 84919 >># Where does he usually stream? >> Anon 84951 >># >> Anon 84981 That audio isn't shitty, it's based. >> Anon 85733 >># WHAT GAME IS THIS? >> Anon 85778 >># Parodius? Which in itself is a parody of Gradius. >> Anon 85877 >diet nazi adds song where the first word is nigger >WTF WHY IS THE LEFT SO RACIST actually retarded. shut up and jack off you silly idiot >> Anon 85881 Lefties are massively racist. >> Anon 87111 >># Song is funny, but it's very hard to fap to it with the music. >> Anon 87123 Anywhere I can download the song? >> Anon 87133 >># nvm extracted and edited from swf
/ > /fap/ > Thread 15995 Age: 192.69d Health: 0% Posters: 34 Posts: 49 Replies: 45 Files: 1+2 >> Anon 72439 [IMG] minus8_parodius.swf (20.44 MiB) 640x480, Uncompressed. 2550 frames, 24 fps (01:46). Ver9, AS3. Network access: Text: Bitmaps: Audio: Yes. Video: Yes. [find in archive] >> Anon 72442 Minus8 hasn't finished this yet and the reason he's taken a break for so long is because this screencap was shared and it pissed him off. So maybe NOT spreading it around is something you should consider eh? >> Anon 72443 >># i would tell him to go cry me a river but he nuked his social media again >> Anon 72444 >># laugh at this poster >> Anon 72445 >># I understand your point but knowing how minus is so volatile and unstable I don't think it matters at this point sharing his work. >> Anon 72446 >># lol >> Anon 72447 its real hard to jack it to this when im busy laughing at the song >> what 72450 what the fuck is that song what the fuck is that song >> Anon 72452 >># why did he share a screencap in the first place if he wanted it to be a secret? i really hope he finishes it because it looks like his best work yet! seems kind of complete already so can't be that much work remaining. >> Anon 72453 >># Yeah but he went from working on it occasionally to working on it not at all so I'd say this is distinctly different from one of his usual tantrums. It's those Spanish fanboys who want to be his friend and bother him with their fan art and their music. I think one of them originally screencapped it and put it on the subreddit. Now we've got that deviantart reject putting his shitty MSPaint drawings there and rarely anything new from -8. >> Anon 72454 >># I'd personally believe that, especially with the history he has with his light pedo admission, that his DM's must be some of the most cancerous shit ever, probably half of it furrys trying to get him to commision their diaper OC and the other half calling him a degenerate that should kill himself. That would be enough reason to nuke social media for me over and over tbh. >> Anon 72455 He's Korean in Korea, I'm sure he nukes is social media over and over so he won't go to jail since porn is just straight up illegal there. >> Anon 72456 >># its Coon Hunters — We don't want niggers in our schools >> Anon 72457 real vector version when >> Anon 72460 >># >We're never going to get the actual .swf because some fag leaked it T-thanks >> Anon 72461 anyone know what song -8 was really going to use? >> Anon 72463 >># >posts a screencap of something he's working on >gets pissed off when it leaks This is why you keep to yourself until the project is ready. >> Anon 72465 But if you release screencaps early that encourages the morons to donate Early Access style. Then he can string them along with an unfinished piece of work for years. Don't ask questions. Just buy incomplete product and get excited for next incomplete product. Also I'm certain I've seen this animation here already. Or pieces of it. >> Anon 72466 >># What the fuck are you talking about? -8 has no Patreon and has expressly stated he only does this as a hobby. And this was never released in any way besides the video that somebody took of their desktop while they were watching him stream. Save your patreon daddy issues for artists who actually deserve the ridicule. >> Anon 72468 >># He should have not play it during stream, unless just a few clips or screenshot of it if he's gonna keep it secret. >> Anon 72469 retards >> Anon 72470 >># He doesn't want to keep it secret, he just doesn't want fucktards going around recording it when it's not done yet and spreading it around. People who want to see it streamed shouldn't have to have that taken away because some autismo wants cred for showing off their screencap. >> Anon 72471 >># That's about as fucking stupid as people who take sex pics and videos of themselves and then others find it and spread it around and then they get angry after having made the footage in the first place. Hell, it's MORE stupid because minus8's making this shit for other people to see to begin with. Then he showed it to people, and they recorded it and now more people can see it. He's just being a prima donna about it, like usual. >> Anon 72472 WHOOO HOOOO I GOT POPCORN BABY >> Anon 72474 >># I'll agree with this, but given what I read about this guy he's probably not completely right in the head either way. Might have been just an easy escape to vent some more. If it wasn't he's an a grade retard thinking it wouldn't get leaked streaming it. >> Anon 72477 what happens when you have mental issues, and by videos and art he does he isn't right up there, so i don't feel bad for him. >> Anon 72478 >># Please, his stuff is quite tame. >> Anon 72485 I don't get what's up with: 1) the forced shitpost music, 2) minus8 throwing a hissyfit over this being leaked. 1) I mean it's already recorded in shitty quality and unfinished. But to throw a fuckin obnoxious song to force me to mute it while fapping? Fuck off. 2) It looks pretty fucking good, one of his best works for sure. Maybe the best (if it ever gets completed). I don't know why he didn't want it to be leaked and/or shared if he livestreamed it. All in all, don't show anyone you don't trust, especially if you don't want it shared. And don't add stupid-ass music on a shitty compressed recording. Thank and fuck you. >> Anon 72486 >># Aside from the borderline-pedophilic stuff he'd made, like lolicon and shotacon being either raped or gangbanged by fully grown men, which is the least of worst you can see on the internet. I find it laughable that you think his content is shocking. Go lurk the internet some more, or if you have the balls, deepweb. >> Anon 72593 Intended music - =view&id=3377748 >> Anon 72709 Someone who has no penis added this racist song to the original post? Wow I'm sad his girl left him for BBC. Serves him right. >> Anon 72725 >># ? >> Anon 72730 >># Cope cringelord. >> Anon 72731 >># Go back to Tumblr with the other SJWs. >> Anon 72733 It needs controls instead of being a loop. Might as well make these two in Honey Select instead. It has all the bits and mods to do so. >> Anon 72737 >># lol >> Anon 72842 >># dont be such a nigger about it >> Anon 72852 Whats the problem? Minus8 always puts obnoxious music in his flashes. >> Anon 72856 >># There is no problem at all, just some faggit complaining. >> Anon 73064 >># fockin mastapiece OwO I hope to god Minus8 doesn't get v8'd, or dies of a heart attack before this is finished >> Anon 73097 Goddamn, what kind a nigga you gotta be to complain about stupid shit on the internet? Probably the same as the idiots who hate niggas. >> Anon 73358 Two short preview loops was posted on 702192342355968 around 24hrs ago so I'm assuming he is still working on this. He also said >Tweening animation has its limits. >Besides, I never reached that limit. >I failed. >:S -8 if you read this: If you mean that you're running up against flash's limit on how many frames you can have in flash you can solve it by separating your main timeline into MovieClips and just advance the main timeline when a MovieClip reaches the end. Super simple to do with ActionScript 2, just stop() the main timeline and put _root.nextFrame() at the end of the MovieClips. The frame limit is per timeline! Not even ZONE knew about this when he started complaining about flash's limitations a couple of years ago. If someone have twitter please jump on and tell him this, would suck if he gives up on delivering swfs just because he think there's no way around it. >> Anon 73369 >># Can't you just tell him on his streams? >> Anon 73380 >># Please do. I don't watch his streams (and I don't use twitter). >> Anon 73414 >># Ok nigger. >> Anon 73416 >># ok boomer >> Anon 74456 >># You must have severe autism if you're upset I took a shit on a low-tier shitpost. Go back to jerking off your micro penis to your retard music, retard. >> Anon 74457 >># Thanks, didn't know there was source. >># Expect it finished within 1-3 years. Or never. That's Minus8. >> Anon 74461 >># and what are you making? Fever X took while, but look how it turned out. i dont' think minus is slow at all. |