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Threads (1):

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 11/12 -2019 13:41:22 Ended: 12/12 -2019 21:01:53Flashes: 1 Posts: 6
File: gachi-goh-san.swf-(587 KB, 512x288, Game)
[_] Anon 3411458 Gachi goh san,made by the UCHINO creator
>> [_] Anon 3411465 if the thing is -|3|- 1|-|- 4|2|- but the pad code isn't 4827 nor is it 3142 or 3124 then what is it?
>> [_] Anon 3411477 >># It's the order in which you need to open the 9 brown boxes on the other side of the statue room. To open them, you need to manipulate the grey panel on the opposite side of the box wall. Inside each box is a number that's the correct order in which to open the sliding glass door next to the pharaoh guy. Also, if you want the good ending, use the knob you get from the pool up in the little locked cubby in the air ducts, to the left of the panda sign. This gets you a hook. Give the hook to the fisherman above the pool. (Look up.) which nets you the keycard. Use the key card on the statue. Note the order in which it slaps itself. Open the center right box on the 9 box wall. Input the order which the statue slapped itself. This nets you the second half of the heart. double click on on heart half, then click on the other half in your inventory. Now click on the center panel on the grey box control. this opens up the center brown box. open it and click to reveal the extra knob in the mask's nose. Grab the spare knob and use it on the top right brown box. Get the key. Open the front door with the key and receive the best ending.
>> [_] Anon 3411480 I obeyed that panda and i died what an asshole
>> [_] Anon 3411497 >># >It's the order in which you need to open the 9 brown boxes on the other side of the statue room. To open them, you need to manipulate the grey panel on the opposite side of the box wall. Inside each box is a number that's the correct order in which to open the sliding glass door next to the pharaoh guy. I don't get it :(
>> [_] Anon 3411498 >># nvm i got it, would have never guessed it by myself
Created: 11/12 -2019 13:42:48 Last modified: 12/12 -2019 22:57:25 Server time: 14/11 -2024 17:40:37