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Threads (2):
File: Ellie's Exorbitant Extrication (small).swf-(9.32 MB, 1200x920, Porn) [_] MERRY CHRISTMAS /f/ Anon 3517014 I love you Rock Candy, notice me senpai~ >> [_] Anon 3517033 How do I get the other endings? >> [_] Anon 3517034 >># what all have you tired? >> [_] Anon 3517035 I remember clicking the christmas lights in some order did something... >> [_] Anon 3517041 yiff in hell >> [_] Anon 3517067 >># Click the nail in the wall to the right = swap to pussy. Then click on the corresponding Christmas bulb for each reindeer. Red, Blue, Green, Pink and so on. 4 impregnation gives ending nr 2. All 9 impregnation gives ending number 3. Not my proudest fap... >> [_] Anon 3517099 >># Thanks
File: Ellie's Exorbitant Extrication (small).swf-(9.32 MB, 1200x920, Hentai) [_] Follow up to Rudolf's Revenge Rock Candy !6B.msYdiz6 3411897 Short flash that I and FallowWing worked on. Long time no see, /f/. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3411898 aye I just played this on your site a few minutes ago, glad to see that you live. was only able to get ending one and 3 though ;-; >> [_] Rock Candy !6B.msYdiz6 3411900 >># Ending 2 is supposed to be the middle of the "ignored the puzzle" and "finished the puzzle" endings. I guess I underestimated how quickly people would latch onto it, because I've gotten a lot of comments on how to get the second ending, hoahoa. >> [_] Anon 3411903 >># Ah I see, very innovative game play, I give it 4 lit bulbs out of 9 >> [_] Anon 3411905 >># Damn and right at the end of flash's life and probably /f/ as well. >> [_] Rock Candy !6B.msYdiz6 3411906 >># Hoahoa, I'll accept that ratiing. >># And I've still got projects to finish up. >> [_] Anon 3411907 >># there's a puzzle? >> [_] Rock Candy !6B.msYdiz6 3411909 >># Sort of, I guess? Mini game, puzzle, whatever you wanna call it. >> [_] Anon 3411910 >># hit the nails and it makes a match game what happens after all three endings? >> [_] Anon 3411912 order of bulbs is red blue green pink yellow black white brown purple >> [_] Anon 3411918 >># or you can click the reindeer head and pick which reindeer comes up next. the match game actually makes sense when you do that >> [_] Anon 3411919 >># Had no idea you were still making stuff. Good work man. >> [_] Anon 3411921 >># Good shit man, keep it up However, can you link the Winter's (Snowy Pass) theme? Can't seem to find it anywhere. >> [_] Rock Candy !6B.msYdiz6 3411922 >># I'm always working on something. I just have a hard time finishing stuff up, due to VAs not responding, coders not availible and all sorts of jank. >># I bought the CD from some japanese website. I can share it if you'd like, but I'm not sure where to upload it if so. >> [_] Anon 3411923 >># Which website did you get it from? I love Mother 2 and would love to support the creators. By the way, great animation following the eyes and physics, added immense fluidity. :^) >> [_] Rock Candy !6B.msYdiz6 3411924 >># I'm sorry, I don't remember what it was called. I too, love the MOTHER series. I try to collect music from the series, heh. Once I'm done with my dinner I can copy the album name and search for it on google or something. It shouldn't be too hard to find, since it's part of a series, I believe. And thanks, I put a lot of effort into the facial animations! >> [_] Anon 3411925 >># http://sbfr.dojin.com/index.php?main_pag e=product_info&cPath=10&products_id=114 Was it this one by chance? I love Mother a heck of a lot, so this would sit nicely with my small-yet-growing collection. C= What made you choose this track for this piece of work as opposed to using a more traditional "Christmas" theme? >> [_] Rock Candy !6B.msYdiz6 3411926 >># Yes, that's it. If you find their other two albums, I suggest buying them too. There's some real gems in there. I was going to have original music, but my musician was not able to work on it and finish it in time. So I had to find something to use in its place. This track in particular had a winter theme and was very suspectible to looping, that's why I chose it. >> [_] Anon 3411928 >># It's a nice stylistic choice as it loops and has a nice "beat" to it. Was the choice of the tail flick to the beat added before or after the song choice changed? - Was the bpm the same? And which other albums? That's a heavy hard tease you're pulling there. C= >> [_] Rock Candy !6B.msYdiz6 3411929 >># The tail flick and the beat to the music is purely coincedential, I added the music at the very end. It's made by the same people I believe. I'm gonna finish my dinner and I can pull up the names for you. >> [_] Anon 3411930 >># Hell yeah! Thank you so much! I'm definitely gonna get them by the end of today. Much appreciated <3 Enjoy the supper! >> [_] Rock Candy !6B.msYdiz6 3411931 >># Alright, I've got the names here. ものさし ~天の光はすべて土星~ ぶんどき ~土星人ゴーホーム~ I don't know if you can buy them anymore. If you can't find them, I'll share them with you if you contact me somehow. I've also got the track names translated into english. >> [_] Anon 3411933 >># >Saturnian Go Home >This is a rare Doujin MOTHER arranged album. >This album is unfortunately no longer in print. >All Light In The Sky Is Saturn >I'm sorry. Out of stock. Jesus, these albums actually are rare, with the rips not publicly available. Definitely gotta buy that Postcards one before it joins the bunch. I'd love to have a nice archive of the best fan Mother music available! My email is alfie65536@gmail.com Thank you so much for being so open and communicable! Feels surreal to me. <3 >> [_] Anon 3411934 Vaginal sex in a Rock Candy flash? It must be my birthday. >> [_] Rock Candy !6B.msYdiz6 3411935 >># I wasn't even aware they were rare. I'll email ya later. No problem. I've tried to track down as many MOTHER related music as possible and I don't mind sharing. >> [_] Anon 3411937 >># Fuck yeah mane! I went and bought the available set for $27. A bit pricey, but worth it. Thank you so much for adding something so simple yet memorable. <3 >> [_] Rock Candy !6B.msYdiz6 3411938 >># It was cheaper when I bought it, but that must've been around a year ago. Good to know you managed to get a copy though! >> [_] Anon 3411939 >># How much did you manage to snag it for? I possibly *could've* gotten it for cheaper somewhere else, but it was straight from the source. 1500 yen for the disc and something like 1200 yen for the air mail shipping. Plus probably some tax or something else. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ How did you stumble upon these glorious Discographies? >> [_] Rock Candy !6B.msYdiz6 3411940 >># I think I had a friend in Japan buy them shortly before I visited. So I didn't have to pay for any shipping or such. It might've been a few other albums though, I'm not sure. Most of the time it's keeping an eye on comiket. Other times it's stumbling across some japanese doujin music site that specializes in video games or others. There are so many good MOTHER remixes hidden on japanese sites. Around 15 years ago, I was able to google "mother music" and find japanese sites where musicians could upload their music. I've got a only a few of those tracks left, some were lost in HDDs failing or me stupidly deleting them and now it's extremely difficult to find such sites. It was actually my friend that found this album, so I don't know how he stumbled across it. But I scoured that site for MOTHER albums and bought whatever I found. You can also find a few by searching on VGMDb. >> [_] Anon 3411941 >># Jesus, so as rare as rare gets I suppose! Also brings to why backups are so vital in keeping such loves alive. Do you know if the Mother series is still thriving in the Japan region? It might actually be worth a look if it's still going strong as I know it's pretty niche here in the states. But otherwise it's mostly pure chance, somewhat like finding this thread and your gem of a game! >> [_] Rock Candy !6B.msYdiz6 3411942 >># It's very popular over there still. I managed to buy a few figures of MOTHER and MOTHER2 characters during one of my trips. Couldn't find a single one during my other trips, so they must've sold out pretty fast. Ye, I'm glad that I'm able to spread some of this music through my work, hoahoa. I do love game music a lot. >> [_] Anon 3411947 >># HOLY SHIT THERE ARE STILL FIGURES SOLD THERE?! That sounds like an alternate universe where the Mother series actually became mainstream instead of some small niche community with a passionate love for the game. Also, couldn't help but notice your older stuff on Newgrounds and it could definitely be said that you love the Mother series a hecktonne! I would definitely love to see more tracks in your work, although it has to be fitting. Do you know if Mother 3 was at all relevant in Japan? >> [_] Rock Candy !6B.msYdiz6 3411949 >># I think they were re-prints. But some were definitely from older times. There are many, many niche game stores in Japan. I went to a bunch and bought what I could find and afford. A couple of years ago there was some newly released keychains with the MOTHER & MOTHER2 cast when I visited, so naturally I bought both sets. I try to get original tracks for my flashes if I can, using video game music is my last resort, hoahoa. And I do want them to at least fit the theme a little while still be memorable and nice to listen to. MOTHER3 did not receive as much love as the two first games. I think it's still appreciated, but due to its troubled developement cycle and cancellation of the N64 game, things were scaled back a bunch. There's no real official merchandise other than the two OST albums. (Which are rendered with an awfully low bitrate, which really bothers me.) There are still MOTHER3 music remixed in many of the doujin albums though, so there is love for it still. >> [_] Anon 3411951 >># I wouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth with such re-prints going around. I guess whenever I save up enough to go, that's what my savings will go towards. :^^) I do remember seeing a lot of pictures pop up here and there about such figurines, especially several years ago, only to look and think, "ah man, lucky people who can get a hold of THAT." Did you happen to have Mittsies in one of your flashes at some point? I don't know if I recall properly. And that's pretty harsh about what happened to Mother 3. The game is amazing, with dark and light points very reminiscent of the previous games in the series; it does make sense as to why it isn't as popular however. Rip not getting a UCH plush haha :^) >> [_] Anon 3411952 >># Dafuq? I thought you died. Glad you're still cranking out dickfood. :^) >> [_] Anon 3411953 >># >UCH >Ultimate Chimera Hunt >> [_] Anon 3411954 >># >I bought the CD from some japanese website. I can share it if you'd like, but I'm not sure where to upload it if so. http://dl.free.fr/ The darkweb's favorite dumping ground. Just stuff it in a .7z, preferably pw protected. >> [_] Rock Candy !6B.msYdiz6 3411955 >># I don't know if they were originals or re-prints, but it doesn't really matter to me. They're still really nice looking. I've worked with Mittsies several times. Yeah, there are a lot of interesting things hidden in the games code, too. Unused content and whatnot. >># I thought so too. But I just have extremely bad luck with people I choose to collaborate with. And I'm pretty slow paced. >># French, huh? I'll see if I can work with it. Thanks for the suggestion. >> [_] Anon 3411957 >># >I'll see if I can work with it That, or just go with Mega, that's cool too >> [_] Anon 3411974 >># no rush homie take your time. your work is always appreciated. >> [_] Anon 3411983 How to get ending 2?? >> [_] Anon 3411996 >># 4/9 ornaments lit >> [_] Anon 3412002 It's all anal. No vaginal. I'll pass. But not a bad use of tweens I suppose. >> [_] Anon 3412004 >># Welcome to Rock Candy flashes. Except this one actually has vaginal. >> [_] Anon 3412005 >># Oh nice >> [_] Anon 3412007 >># Seems like you're not familiar with the (Yo!) in RC flashes >> [_] Anon 3412011 anyone still struggling on this When the reindeer is fucking her just click the nails top right and u can click the lights. Wrong raindeer - Wrong light and will break after 2 clicks. Red - Roodoof Blue - Dasher green - Dancer Pink - Pancer Yellow - Vixen black - Comet white - Cupid brown - Donner purple - Blitzen Ending 1/3 - End whenever no lights on Ending 2/3 - End whenever 4 / 9 lights Ending 3/3 - End when 9/9 lights. ***Spoiler*** Each ending: 1) Ellie esscapes and one of roudoof's old girlfriends take the spot 2) Ellie is captured and with zu. 3) Ellie repressed her sex for 20 years and enjoyed it. She stays. >> [_] Anon 3412014 Nice, so happy to see another flash from you! God Jul frände! >> [_] Anon 3412016 Merry christmas, thanks for the flash |