/ > /fap/ > Thread 32003
Age: 385.09d Health: 10.49% Posters: 8 Posts: 11 Replies: 10 Files: 1+3
>> Anonymous 27feb2024(tu)21:56 No.101004 OP P1
[IMG] Creambee-BoozyBeachWumpa_v0-9.swf (11.62 MiB)
1080x810, Compressed (Deflate). 60 frames, 25 fps (00:02).
Ver15, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: No.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No. <METADATA>
[find in archive]
>> Anonymous 27feb2024(tu)22:19 No.101006 A P2R1
Oh wow, never actually expected Creambee to make something involving an anthro character. It's
refreshing to see and although I kinda wish it were Coco instead, I'm still thankful.
>> Anonymous 28feb2024(we)12:42 No.101015 B P3R2
>> Anonymous 29feb2024(th)01:46 No.101027 C P4R3
This is solid gold right here, looking forward to the rest of the work in progress. Also hopefully
there'll be a version with alt Tawna.
Also carpet nuke russia to stop the CP spammer
>> Anonymous 29feb2024(th)18:20 No.101029 D P5R4
nibba how do you know he is russian? just tell me, a "subhuman" dumbass
>> Anonymous 1mar2024(fr)11:59 No.101033 C P6R5
It's the same spambot that spams across multiple minor imageboards, they've got a Russian IP. It's
a shame that you can't even make an altchan in this day and age without being targeted by this
c(ra)p. The wild west of the internet is dead.
>> Anonymous 1mar2024(fr)14:24 No.101034 E P7R6
>projecting much
Leave fucking /pol/ ouf of this. Even IF it was a braindead russian, why is that important? Just
shut the fuck up about russians or europoors already you midget faggets.
>wild west dead
Haha, you clearly haven't been around for the so called wild west days it seems.
CP spam was probably the first thing that happened on the internet. 4chan dealt with it a long
time. Even swfchan had to remove direct image uploads in the past because of it.
In a way the absence of CP signals when the web dies. Because you cannot even spam shit anymore
without going through 5000000 google accounts or getting immediately sued for "allowing" some
nigger to post illegal links on a random php forum for 1/100th of a second.
Best to just ignore that shit, and not call even more attention to it, like you're doing someone a
favor for badmouthing the spambot. Just don't click it, report it and let the admin deal with it
Way worse than that is DDOS that runs rampant as soon as you don't buy (((THEIR))) cloudflare
webhosting. I don't even know how swfchan handles it.
>> Anonymous 1mar2024(fr)14:31 No.101035 C P8R7
Maybe wild west wasn't the right term? I guess what I really meant was the period between the wild
west and when you couldn't go into the city without being stabbed by an urban youth.
In any case, clean it up janny.
>> Anonymous 1mar2024(fr)19:25 No.101040 F P9R8
>> Anonymous 1mar2024(fr)23:42 No.101048 C P10R9
>> Anonymous 4mar2024(mo)17:51 No.101066 G P11R10
Checks out russian based fucks spam cp links on small boards, hoping someone would click them.
Russia is in the shitter and russians online are knickle dragging mongol rape babies