File: MJMSovl v1.swf-(5.74 MB, 275x350, Other)
[_] Muh Journey - Muh Soul v.1.0 Anonymous 05/07/23(Sun)05:41:24 No.3494924
A little test project of VN related to pixelart and /ic/. I'll be developing this idea further in
that board
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 05/07/23(Sun)07:15:56 No.3494925
This is great!
>> [_] Anonymous 05/07/23(Sun)07:37:35 No.3494926
>> [_] Anonymous 05/07/23(Sun)12:30:38 No.3494931
Post it more here as you develop it, it's really cool so far
>> [_] Anonymous 05/07/23(Sun)12:55:02 No.3494933
Thanks anon. I'm developing this project here >>>/ic/6643069
I uploaded the swf here because I thought that option wasn't available on the /ic/ board.
Anyway, you won't miss anything. I'll be updating this project with new swf versions whenever I
get enough new pics to throw in. That's why I'm doing this on /ic/ I'll be posting mostly pics
everytime I get them done.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/07/23(Sun)12:56:03 No.3494934
the right arrow at "don't become food for tha crabbos" doesn't work, but right click and play
gets you to the next frames
anyways this is a really nice art you got there
>> [_] Anonymous 05/07/23(Sun)17:21:54 No.3494943
Thanks anon! Yes that's ok, the arrow doesn't go anywhere yet, I don't know what I'm going to add
in a lot of places for the moment. In that map you have three places to go, (point and click) the
tower in the center, and the squares at the sides, wich, again, are not fully functional yet. FAR
from it. I started this little project from zero 7 days ago exactly, so it's still in at a very
early stage. I'll be adding new stuff here >>>/c/6643069
>> [_] Anonymous 05/07/23(Sun)17:23:45 No.3494944
Sorry, my bad, here >>>/ic/6643069
>> [_] Anonymous 05/07/23(Sun)17:47:59 No.3494945
ahhhh I see it now, a little bit unintuitive since you're conditioning the player to only ever
use the arrows in the black box and never interact with the image
for example, I clicked on the image on the first frame, read the text below, and I tried to click
the sphynx but it didn't work so I'm looking around the screen and find the little arrows in the
corner and that just gives me the signal that those are the only controls to navigate through the
you can maybe put the choices where to go inside the black box or highlight the places you can
click on
>> [_] Anonymous 05/07/23(Sun)18:14:34 No.3494946
Yes. You're correct on everything. At first my idea was to make it like that, point and click,
but it was too unconvenient, doing a lot of extra elements on top of each other, more layers,
more buttons, etc... When, two simple arrows were enough to navigate a simple story. But at the
final map, it is absolutely necessary to add those highlight pop ups on the image to show what's
available. That was my last thought before posting, everything else was ok, but I was too
impatient lol, I wanted to post something already. I'll keep adding and fixing stuff, don't worry.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/07/23(Sun)19:06:33 No.3494948
/ic/ has to be one of the most based boards in existence
Thanks for the OC, anon!
>> [_] Anonymous 05/08/23(Mon)05:47:30 No.3494964
I checked your code and, if I see right, you made every single arrow as a new button with
different frame number?
You have the yellow block on top right corner that's always there and leads to the screen
selection, why not use the same treatment for the arrows as well?
Just put nextFrame(); and prevFrame(); to them and you're done
>> [_] Anonymous 05/08/23(Mon)06:15:11 No.3494967
Thanks for the help anon! I began the project with the nextFrame() option, but, then I needed to
add a little white fade animation between images, so I had to go with GotoanPlay().
I'm a total retard in regards to coding, even at a retard level as ActionScript2, so I can't add
too much stuff without cornering myself into an impossible issue. In example that menu in the top
corner, I know it breaks the game, you can't go back to the exact frame you got out, but it's ok.
I'll use that as a screen selection of the episode you want to go directly. I wont be adding any
"save game" option. It's far beyond my means. The more complex the coding template gets, the more
work it will be to stick a whole new themed art batch for a different story. I know ActionScript3
solves a bunch of stuff like sound issues and nesting swf's, but that will require to use an
updated Flash editor wich I don't really like. I love the old crappy flash8 editor.
I just want to make a "game machanic" template as simple as possible to throw in art and make any
kind of story, mistery, adeventure, whatever. But without changing anything else. There're so
much caps that I can wear at the same time lol! I wish I could be as good at coding as doing art
or writing or graphic design.
Thanks man, I really appreciate your help and interest in this little thing.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/08/23(Mon)06:16:16 No.3494968
Thanks a lot anon!
>> [_] Anonymous 05/08/23(Mon)15:35:29 No.3494976
>> [_] Anonymous 05/09/23(Tue)17:10:49 No.3495009
Cool. The art is good, the quality of the writing is a bit iffy.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/09/23(Tue)17:58:25 No.3495011
Thank you! Yeah the writing is shit, not my forte, also the ammount of text that I can fit is
very limited, so I choose to play it safe and keep it simple. It's a test more than anything. I'm
about to finish a new one with a script from another thread I liked. Maybe I'll post it in a few
>> [_] Anonymous 05/09/23(Tue)21:22:17 No.3495019
Breddy cool mang, appreciate all the work you put in to this so far. Its always nice to catch OC