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This is resource H8X30DP, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:27/11 -2023 15:19:34

Ended:30/11 -2023 20:52:43

Checked:1/12 -2023 00:45:07

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 9.
Discovered flash files: 1

Dandy Core.swf

File: Dandy Core.swf-(3.13 MB, 500x281, Loop)
[_] I just wanted to try breakcore tbh :v 11/27/23(Mon)10:16:34 No.3501744

  Bored and starting to notice what appears to be a resurgence of jungle/dnb style stuff and I
  wanted to make some.

  Also, watch space dandy. Gif is leftover from waaay back when I made my first Dandy loop.

  >Total project time 00h 32m 45s

>> [_] Anonymous 11/27/23(Mon)11:18:26 No.3501745

  I loved this show so much when it came out, it really is time for a rewatch

>> [_] :v 11/27/23(Mon)11:46:02 No.3501746

  I started watching it just because it was fun and flashy. Then all the sub plot sadness hit :<

>> [_] Anonymous 11/27/23(Mon)14:45:04 No.3501747

  I only ever watched like the first 3 episodes of Space Dandy
  I was expecting another Cowboy Bebop or Samurai Champloo but it was anything but and dropped it
  Does it get actually serious or is it like the first few episodes for the rest of the show?

>> [_] :v 11/27/23(Mon)15:09:12 No.3501748

  It has a loose series of stories that kinda tie together but continuity is not it's strong point.

  The writing more often butters you up with comedy and then gut punches you with sad.
  It never gets "serious" but if you read between the lines you pick up on a lot. The show even
  directly acknowledges this.

  I liked it because it didn't take itself seriously and had fun with some pretty heavy topics.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/28/23(Tue)16:40:17 No.3501763

  Always down for anything dnb

>> [_] gravelord 11/29/23(Wed)05:06:17 No.3501790


>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/23(Wed)16:08:34 No.3501795

  so about that bandcamp....

>> [_] zxcstipa 11/30/23(Thu)15:46:43 No.3501820

  dont post this things things on 4chan its dead idea try to find replies on discord
Created: 27/11 -2023 15:19:34 Last modified: 1/12 -2023 00:46:55 Server time: 16/09 -2024 19:32:34