File: Merry Yourself.swf-(4.09 MB, 680x680, Other)
[_] Merry Christmas! Anonymous 12/25/23(Mon)19:38:01 No.3502697
Made with love to my fellow loners <3
>> [_] Anonymous 12/25/23(Mon)21:01:28 No.3502700
this is art
>> [_] Anonymous 12/25/23(Mon)21:26:21 No.3502701
Nice glow effects on this one. Love it
>> [_] Anonymous 12/26/23(Tue)01:10:55 No.3502705
why ty /f/wends
One last Merry Christmas to all anons out there on every board.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/27/23(Wed)20:33:17 No.3502778
based and redpilled, my friedn.
also, this is beautiful
>> [_] Anonymous 12/27/23(Wed)20:45:18 No.3502780
Did you make the audio edit yourself? If so, what's your filter regimen?
>> [_] Anonymous 12/28/23(Thu)06:00:12 No.3502786
Sorry, I swear I included a link to the yt video I got the song from, but it got lost in the
final product I guess.
Anyway, here it is.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/28/23(Thu)15:31:04 No.3502796
Holy fucking kino
>> [_] Anonymous 12/29/23(Fri)10:50:36 No.3502821
Kino as fuck. merry christmas /f/wend.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/29/23(Fri)12:07:58 No.3502823
>goes inside
>music stops and the lights go out
>the illusion covering the murder scene disappears