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This is resource T5LOR5W, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:11/4 -2023 23:53:26
1.9 years ago.

Ended:26/12 -2023 04:02:44
1.2 years ago.

Checked:26/12 -2023 04:18:39
1.2 years ago.

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 7.
Discovered flash files: 1

/ > /fap/ > Thread 30156

Age: 251.18d   Health: 0%   Posters: 6   Posts: 7   Replies: 5   Files: 1+1

>> Anonymous 11apr2023(tu)23:31 No.96366 OP P1

Notboogies unfinished Midna flash he was doing a year or 2 ago.

 Twilight_Princass Midna Notboogie.swf (10.42 MiB)
1280x720, Compressed (Deflate). 6 frames, 30 fps (00:00).
Ver15, AS3. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No.
[find in archive]

>> Anonymous 12apr2023(we)10:51 No.96371 A P2R1


>> Anonymous 12apr2023(we)10:51 No.96372 A P3


>> Anonymous 12apr2023(we)14:39 No.96374 B P4R2

That's very good, shame it never got finished.
16.5 years since Zelda Twilight Princess came out btw. Has Midna been in any other game?

>> Anonymous 12apr2023(we)22:46 No.96376 C P5R3

did he give a reason why it wasn't finished? Was it the """death""" of flash?

also >>96374 midna was in Hyrule Warriors, that spin-off with that blue haired chick Lana and her
sister Cia that wants Link as a boytoy.

>> Anonymous 3nov2023(fr)06:37 No.100079 D P6R4

Was this officially canceled by him, or just on hiatus? It'd be a shame if it never gets completed.

>> Anonymous 3nov2023(fr)23:35 No.100085 E P7R5

>Has Midna been in any other game?
As many other games as Marin was. Is there any reason for her to be? Her story was clearly
completed in that game and she isn't exactly an overarching canon character like the triforce

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Created: 11/4 -2023 23:53:26 Last modified: 26/12 -2023 04:19:42 Server time: 16/03 -2025 17:57:10