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Threads (2):
File: Vector Love.swf-(7.22 MB, 1080x608, Loop) [_] [m]usic day it is ta-kun 3420845
File: Vector Love.swf-(7.22 MB, 1080x608, Loop) [_] OC. Please resize window. ta-kun 3420171 >> [_] Anon 3420189 >># not bad, but not good either >> [_] Anon 3420191 >># four frame looped gif shit quality eighties synthpop at least it wasn't techno, but you can really see why YTMND left a gap. all those assholes came here. >> [_] Anon 3420192 >># okay, but why >> [_] Anon 3420209 Speaking of OC, what's the standard for re-posting your own OC? Is it okay to post it more than just the first time? Or are you supposed to just post your OC once and rely on other people to repost it? >> [_] gravelord 3420212 >># Nice, find better .gifs in the future such as ones that actually loop :3 people expect perfection here but don't let that stop you, most people that bitch haven't even made OC lol >># Just post what you want lmao I post my own stuff all the time and people post for me etc >> [_] ta-kun 3420214 >># Thanks, friend! much appreciate! >> [_] gravelord 3420218 >># join us bro, in case you need help or wanna talk https://discord.gg/HcDM9p >> [_] Anon 3420219 shitty gloves and shitty dress, but quality drawing style. if loop was smooth, it would be great >> [_] ta-kun 3420223 >># Really? This the end performance, and the townsfolk outfit are my personal favorite outfits from sdf/dyrl. There is another bit of her stepping back and forth, but it doesn't fit as much. I tried to have a few in there. however flash seems to start causing trouble the more BMPs it has to hold. >> [_] Anon 3420231 >># >Vector Love.swf But all I see is bitmap. I want my money back. |