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This is the wiki page for Flash #233610
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30,07 MiB, 00:30 | [W] [I]

Threads (1):

[J4IWEJ9]F !
ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 25/3 -2020 04:35:15 Ended: 22/8 -2020 17:11:58Flashes: 1 Posts: 14
/ > /fap/ > Thread 17614 Age: 143.52d Health: 0% Posters: 13 Posts: 14 Replies: 13 Files: 1+2
>> Anon 75156 Get Wasted 8 (short) HMV - GET WASTED 8 WIP [IMG] Get-Wasted-8-Trailer.swf (30.07 MiB) 1920x1080, Uncompressed. 865 frames, 29.97 fps (00:29). Ver6, AS1/AS2. Network access: Text: Bitmaps: Audio: Yes. Video: Yes. [find in archive]
>> IDXK 75348 Bold move Cotton! Who wants to take bets on what will get him first; Corona, or the FBI?
>> Anon 75657 >># Well not the FBI as they're quarantined
>> Anon 75658 where can you watch this persons videos?
>> Anon 75659 This is just a bunch of rule34hentai webms thrown into a shitty, bloated SWF file for no apparent reason.
>> Anon 75660 I never understood why dumbasses give themselves credit for stringing together a bunch of people's work of a few seconds as if its.. something worth caring about.
>> Anon 75677 >># It can be enjoyable to watch, especially if well put together to the music and with kewl effects. But this one is way too short and not really worthy to share... They are never really fapworthy either with too quick camera/scene changes, at least to me. OP you say it's a "work in progress", wait until something's done before you share it.
>> Anon 75688 atleast put the artist name in
>> Anon 75694 OP here, >># I indeed just make the "music video's" and always credit the notable artists in them. I don't claim anything else. Every critique is good cause that way i have something to work on. I made fast pased and slow HMV's so for any persons taste there should be a video by now..
>> Anon 75768 >># sauce?
>> Anon 76535 Whatever happened to the HMV DOA Marie Rose featuring the song "Nastydirtysexmusic"? That was a good video; any chance an .swf of it exists?
>> Anon 76540 What kind of mkultra, illuminati, mossad, pizzaparty shit is this? Why is it a million mb? You installing the spyware equivalent of corona on my pc or something?
>> Anon 76564 >># No, just a good old case of video and swf doesn't really mesh well together. Also, we've had files bigger than 50mb here already.
>> Anon 76599 you're going to have to source your stuff. if it's not your animations you need to give the artist of ALL of them. not just some, not just the ones with an artist's watermark, all of them. and not just for this anim but go all the way back to your get wasted 1, 2, 3, 4 etc. It's actually a violation of their Intellectual Properties or copyrights to use their animations without even citing the creator. It's also misleading to your patrons.
Created: 25/3 -2020 04:36:47 Last modified: 22/8 -2020 17:21:11 Server time: 28/09 -2024 15:07:41