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This is resource BPAMUD0, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:1/7 -2024 01:19:42

Ended:3/7 -2024 23:04:44

Checked:3/7 -2024 23:45:45

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 13.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Happy Tree Friends Eyes Cold Lemonade Game.swf-(1.49 MB, 544x408, Other)
[_] uwu Anonymous 06/30/24(Sun)21:11:25 No.3509620

  La la lalala, lala lalala, la la lalala

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 07/02/24(Tue)09:30:21 No.3509659

  >MondoMedia still exists
  I never heard about them outside of Happy Tree Friends.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/02/24(Tue)17:31:51 No.3509669

  what they up to as of late?

  hard to believe but this ran on mainstream television back then
  even had some colleagues in school who's favorite show this was
  and they came from pretty tame families as well!

>> [_] Anonymous 07/02/24(Tue)18:59:25 No.3509675

  What a coincidence, youtube algorithm dropped me an HTF compilation for the first time in like 10
  years or so.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/02/24(Tue)19:11:08 No.3509676

  That's why some anons here are leaving the site after cloudflare enforced the file uploading ban
  on incognito mode. Now you're forced to have a 4chan cookie mixed in your "clean" browser files.
  Cookies interact with each other.
  Yes, IT'S OVER.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/03/24(Wed)04:34:46 No.3509687

  Struggling to recapture the success of Happy Tree Friends while launching one failed project
  after another.
  They recently released another Happy Tree Friends game so they are still trying to milk the

>> [_] Anonymous 07/03/24(Wed)07:14:36 No.3509688

  thismorning, cloudflare hates me. i wonder how much longer I'll be able to to shitpost here now
  that they are trying to force people to update to the latest spyware.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/03/24(Wed)09:48:53 No.3509690

  apparently, I'm no longer human accoridng to cloudflare. recaptcha still isn't a schizo
  *legacy sci-fi reference percussions*

>> [_] Anonymous 07/03/24(Wed)14:27:06 No.3509695

  Use Supermium to post.
  It's a kike free, anon recommended browser for old OS.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/03/24(Wed)15:31:02 No.3509696

  >4chan cookie mixed in your "clean" browser files
  Hah! Could never happen to me, I'm behind 7 browsers. Get on my level, nigger.
  And yes, I have 128GB of ram, how could you tell?

>> [_] Anonymous 07/03/24(Wed)15:50:46 No.3509697

  i already have a chromium browser, and cloudflare doesn't let me pass either. It's something
  else, I smell some kind of shadow bunny.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/03/24(Wed)17:51:19 No.3509698

  Old chromiums don't work. You need an updated chromium, therefore supermium.
  My (Windows 8.1) chrome and edge can't post either. Only Supermium works.
  Not even Firefox ESR lets me post anymore.
  They are trying to kill non-standard browsers. I know some other browsers like pale moon are
  struggling with captchas as well.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/03/24(Wed)18:46:32 No.3509699

  Yeah, I took a few hours to stare at a wall to figure it out. Cloudflare is now using updated
  HTML code that makes my shit browser poop it's pants. Same symptoms as when Youtube upgraded to
  HTML living standard a couple years ago. If I want to continue to use most of the web, I will at
  some point have to update to something that can parse planned obselesence jeet code.
  I am extremely conflicted by this sort of outcome. On the one hand, it's going to be entertaining
  watching everyone else hit the wall full speed, but on the other hand I am going to miss
  shitposting here on 4chan... I can't even access 4plebs anymore.

  >only non-humans use outdated tech
  I have a feeling it's not Boomers v.s. millenials here, it's Zoomers & Jeets v.s. Boomers.
Created: 1/7 -2024 01:19:42 Last modified: 4/7 -2024 00:30:36 Server time: 08/09 -2024 04:50:03