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This is resource BR16OL2, an Active Thread.
Discovered:23/10 -2024 08:29:41

Updated:24/10 -2024 01:00:19

Checked:24/10 -2024 04:17:37

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 7.
Discovered flash files: 1 (so far)

File: Ritsuko's Daily Dose.swf-(859 KB, 500x500, Hentai)
[_] Ritsuko's Daily Dose Anonymous 10/23/24(Wed)04:28:15 No.3513874

  Everything seems to be working. It was going to be just a simple Ritsuko loop, but, I'm always
  end up making a whole other thing.
  Long live the 2000's, dead and buried, but not forgotten!

>> [_] Anonymous 10/23/24(Wed)08:51:31 No.3513889

  Awesome concept, you can feel the passion put into it.
  Artstyle makes me nostalgic, but I must say it isn't for everyone. Sure as heck can't bust no nut
  to that. As a flash A+, OP. As a H-flash, I guess it's a D from me.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/23/24(Wed)10:24:09 No.3513894

  It's time to stop posting

>> [_] Anonymous 10/23/24(Wed)11:55:18 No.3513900

  Thanks anons. I felt the same about those 'zone' flashes back in the day. Even with all the
  variety of tentacle animations I thought that wasn't hot like at all. I hated that almost 'loli'
  visual style. But I appreciated the effort. The more people tries their own thing, the more
  chances are to find hidden gems, but nowadays no one produces any kind of original content
  anymore. We are going through a cultural genocide right now. I miss the creativity of those days.
  Do you have any favorite H-flashes "mixed-western style" from back in the day? I think there's a
  unreachable gap between our tastes here, I try to mimic the old stuff from Roninsong and
  Balsamique, or weird stuff like that old classic "Tifa milk plant" series.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/23/24(Wed)16:40:53 No.3513923

  I thought Ritsuko was going to have a dick based on her abdomen outline and would start dicking
  Shinji to Groundhog
  My expectations were subverted.

  Nice of you to throw a bone to both Rei and Asuka fans OP.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/23/24(Wed)20:08:24 No.3513938

  >I'm so fucked up

>> [_] Anonymous 10/23/24(Wed)20:56:45 No.3513943

  You got a zip of all the flashes you did? Or even a name?
Created: 23/10 -2024 08:29:41 Last modified: 24/10 -2024 04:17:48 Server time: 24/10 -2024 04:20:26