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This is resource GK7GHSN, an Active Thread.
Discovered:29/8 -2024 08:56:56

Updated:19/9 -2024 14:41:44

Checked:19/9 -2024 14:47:43

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 5.
Discovered flash files: 1 (so far)

/ > /fap/ > Thread 32993

Age: 21.23d   Health: 59.1%   Posters: 5   Posts: 5   Replies: 4   Files: 1+1

>> Anonymous 29aug2024(th)08:55 No.102365 OP P1

I removed the website check by deleting the newgrounds API script, and hacked pleasure to max.
Couldn't remove all the preloading screens, and if it even matters, the failure scene is impossible
to see now.
If I had the talent for it, I'd hack it further.

 a-really-great-night-but-a-really-bad.swf (1.29 MiB)
550x550, Compressed (Deflate). 407 frames, 30 fps (00:14).
Ver9, AS3. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: No. Audio: Yes. Video: No.
[find in archive]

>> Anonymous 29aug2024(th)12:49 No.102366 A P2R1

I tried to launch it twice in browser from the link in your post and both times it eventually
crashed. In the swfchan archive, however, it works fine, except for error caused by, I guess,
deletion of NG's API script. Weird and unstable shiet.
As for hacking it further: why? There are plenty of better drawn swfs to hack and modify

>> Anonymous 12sep2024(th)20:57 No.102523 B P3R2

compared to the anon No.102366
i was able of play.....
no problem here...
just use another swf player if one fail....

but I can agree than....
There are plenty of better drawn swfs to hack and modify

also I can agree with....
If I had the talent for it, I'd hack it further.

i can feel the same pain....
a lots of stuff i also tried myself too...
but cannot make due to be too much technically complex/advanced....

what's your plan next?

>> Anonymous 14sep2024(sa)16:04 No.102533 C P4R3

worked fine in my browser flash plugin
but it looks like just a newgrounds tier zone H-game ripoff
nice hack though, but maybe the special option was broken? because I couldn't get it to trigger the
climax, maybe there wasn't one for those in the first place

>> Anonymous 14sep2024(sa)17:51 No.102534 D P5R4

I can't recall anything similar but by zone to call it a ripoff. Just a shitty artstyle, even worse
than in actual ripoffs by FTF
Created: 29/8 -2024 08:56:56 Last modified: 19/9 -2024 14:47:46 Server time: 19/09 -2024 14:50:12