Archived flashes:
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This is resource GVYD40B, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:25/8 -2024 08:20:11

Ended:25/8 -2024 08:20:11

Checked:27/8 -2024 11:31:32

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 1.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: mind control.swf-(7.61 MB, 1792x1024, Other)
[_] sunday church Anonymous 08/25/24(Sun)04:17:47 No.3511742

  There are no sincere believers in jesus
  every single person who believes in jesus
  has been tortured to believe in him
  Mind control, brainwashing
  Religions are all nightmare cults
  Mind control, brainwashing
  Science is the remedy to these faults
  religion worships death
  it's a distraction from doing science to improve our conditions
  people who don't want you to think are never your friend
  when will you critically think so religion can end
  Mind control, brainwashing
  Religions are all nightmare cults
  Mind control, brainwashing
  Science is the remedy to these faults
  Jesus is political thought control
  religion, politics, and trade are a virus
  they all have failed to meet human needs
  the only thing that can meet our human needs is science
  They preach of salvation, but it's just a lie
  To keep you enslaved until the day you die
  They promise you heaven, but they give you chains
  Science breaks the cycle, liberates your brains
  Mind control, brainwashing
  Religions are all nightmare cults
  Mind control, brainwashing
  Science is the remedy to these faults
  [Guitar Solo]
  They sell you a savior, but it's all in vain
  Faith in the invisible brings only pain
  Question the doctrines that keep you confined
  Seek out the knowledge, free your mind
  Mind control, brainwashing
  Religions are all nightmare cults
  Mind control, brainwashing
  Science is the remedy to these faults
Created: 25/8 -2024 08:20:11 Last modified: 27/8 -2024 11:31:51 Server time: 16/09 -2024 18:59:02