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This is resource H08POQ1, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:28/5 -2024 01:42:03

Ended:30/5 -2024 00:58:40

Checked:30/5 -2024 04:45:49

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 12.
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let go.swf

File: let go.swf-(651 KB, 832x107, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 05/27/24(Mon)21:39:57 No.3508239

  In honor of my cat who ran away. I must let go, the love will remain forever

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/24(Tue)10:41:32 No.3508262

  that's why I'm a dog person

>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/24(Tue)17:03:36 No.3508276

  It's my fault. I let her out too often and one night a coyote must've gotten her or something.
  She has been going outside for 10 years now without incident, so I know she wouldn't just run
  away out of the blue. Fuck this gay earth

>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/24(Tue)19:21:12 No.3508281

  Sorry that happened, anon.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/24(Tue)19:27:32 No.3508282

  Most likely an accident in which a vehicle was probably involved.
  If the cat has been running around outside at night for 10 years, it won't just run away

>> [_] Anonymous 05/28/24(Tue)21:08:07 No.3508287

  Text from KotOR 1 or 2?

  Sorry 'bout the cat OP

>> [_] Anonymous 05/29/24(Wed)03:14:14 No.3508295

  Sorry, OP. My cat got euthanized a few months back... he was fine one moment, then from the
  corner of my eye I saw him drag his hind legs across the room before he tried burying himself
  under a rug and in the litter box. He hissed when I got near - wanted to be left alone. Took him
  to a vet and they said he had a stroke and multiple blood clots; he'd never be able to use those
  legs again and even if we had thousands of dollars to spare on treatment, he'd likely continue to
  suffer and die shortly after. So yeah... point is, life's fragile I guess. I've had several cats
  never return - that was the first time watching the life fade from their eyes though and it
  sucks. I know it's cope and highly improbable, but I'd like to hope that the ones that
  disappeared found better homes...

>> [_] Anonymous 05/29/24(Wed)08:50:29 No.3508296

  I had a dog that run out when I was a kid.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/29/24(Wed)14:14:56 No.3508299

  sucks to hear that, hope kitty is well and just on an adventure

>> [_] Anonymous 05/29/24(Wed)17:30:29 No.3508301

  Put the litter box outside. They can smell those from long distances. If your cat did get lost it
  might help her find the way back

>> [_] Anonymous 05/29/24(Wed)17:48:02 No.3508302

  KotOR 2; thanks anon.
  Life is very fragile, isn't it? I lost another cat which was hit by some car two years ago in the
  middle of the night- he was the sweetest cat. Then a couple years before that we had one die of
  feline leukemia at two years old. I had to watch the life fade from her eyes too ;_; My mom has
  been telling me the same about hoping she has found some nice people to take care of her. What
  really sucks about this one though is that we've had her for 10 years which is longer than any
  other cat. I really thought she would make it to old age. Now I am left with my one tabby- and
  I'll do everything I can to protect him.
  I did that the day after she left, that was two weeks ago now. A major storm came through
  recently and I'm just hoping she found shelter during that if she is still alive.
  Thanks for the kind words anons.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/29/24(Wed)20:57:04 No.3508307

  i'm sorry man, my cats going on 17 years old, and i still can't imagine losing her.
  it's not your fault that she got 10+ good years with you playing and having adventures outside.
Created: 28/5 -2024 01:42:03 Last modified: 30/5 -2024 04:45:53 Server time: 28/06 -2024 22:03:57